Monday, December 29, 2003

Oh yah..I forgot to add that always thought the 'What kind of Girlfriend Are You?' quiz was really accurate till I saw Danping's blog. Anyway, I think her FYP is really driving her mad enough to churn out entertaining blogs and sms her friends more frequently than usual. Yeah...way to go babe.. =)
The best blogs are often the ones that are so frank, so true about sucky days, sucky feelings and everything..written in the best kind of language known as Singlish. I'm quite amused by Renee's blog whenever she update it, quite impressed by how well Aileen can convey how she feels and how Danping can be so candid even in her blog. Reading someone's blog which is updated frequently, probably you will feel like you know the person very well. There's one link on the left of my blog that belongs to a stranger (someone I don't know personally), a medical student from NUS who probably doesn't know that her blog is linked up unless she did some programming to her page. She's definitely a intelligent individual, judging by what she study...full of opinions for things. But just by reading her blog, I feel that she probably will not be a close friend of mine even if I know her personally. Haha..

LOTR III and Mona Lisa's smile
Over the past one week, we managed to catch two movies in a row. It was amazing how people were all in a hurry to book LOTR tickets, and we had gotten it without doing any prior booking just two days after it started screening officially..and it was a Saturday too. Initially we had intended to watch 'Love actually' which is a romantic comedy recommended by Liangying, but too bad it was a sold-out when we reached Lido and we managed to book LOTR tickets at Yishun 10 instead. Have to admit that LOTR is a must-watch but at that point of time was a bit disappointed as my initial plan was to enjoy a light comedy with romantic elements (though danping said that it was a bit dumb) instead of watching the action-filled mega block buster. Nevertheless LOTR was an excellent show.. I mean, what else can you expect with Aragon and Legolas running around? It's just bit sad that from next year onwards, we can't look forward to the LOTR during the christmas seasons anymore, as that's the end of the trilogy. Re-read my earlier blogs and realised that I've been reading Book I (The fellowship of the Ring) since Jan this year, and right now my book had gone missing without allowing me to finish reacing it. Sigh.. I'm wondering if I should get a replacement of the book and try to finish the whole series in the next coming year. Hmm..maybe that should be my target for 2004. Hahaha..

On Christmas day, Hock Sui and I went to catch another show (I think there's quite a lot of good shows recently) and we got a very good bargain as we watched a very good movie 'accidentally'. Didn't know anything about Mona Lisa's smile before that, and I didn't even know that it was a new movie by Julia Roberts till we scanned through the movie posters, as we were at a dilemma of which movie to choose from. Was rather disappointed that we missed 'Love Actually' again, and I'm not keen to watch Infernal Affairs III as I didn't catch the first two parts. Went into the cinema with quite low expetations but came out quite glad that we had just seen a very touching and inspiring show. Only after the show then I realised that I had actually caught a sneak preview, as the official screening of the movie is only starting on 31st December. As I was watchinghe show, the film took me a long way back down my own memory lane, and reminded me a lot of my school days in a girls' school. It's not so much of the life of the girls, and their behaviour in the female college.. but it was the thinking and mindset that I had back then. Always thought that I would like to become a woman who's successful, liberal and progressive like Julia Roberts in the show. She's a damn great teacher who don't believe in getting married and that's against the socials norms since it's supposed to be the 50s'. That's exactly what I thought I'll become, a great teacher.. and never a housewife. I realised where I am now is a far-cry from my ideal years ago, and somehow part of the ideals had changed. Nevertheless, the movie is quite touching and it had gave me some encouragements to work harder towards where I dreamt to be. Recommended.

Friday, December 26, 2003

A one year contract
It had been a very eventful week, no joke! Yeah..of course X'mas was in the middle of everything to slow down the hectic week and give me something to look forward and celebrate. Wonderful christmas.. great birth of Jesus Christ. Hee hee..

Yeah, let's get back to the job topic although it was a very painful thing to talk about just a day ago. As I was saying on Monday's blog, "Formation Centre" (from hereafter will be refered as FC in my blog) which is the enrichment centre across the street from where Diah used to live had asked me to go and sign a contract with them the following day. The next morning, it was the first place that I went to. After reading the terms on the contract, with one of them stating: "Annual leave can only be taken during Formation Centre holiday", I was horrified. Does that mean that I can only be on leave on public holidays? I immediately thought of Ramunia which will fall on 3 of my working days, and the person told me that they would have to re-consider my contract afterall, so it was left pending and I felt that probably I will not be offered the job again. Sigh.. I was supposed to go home to change into a more formal attire for my NKF interview later that day, but on my way home I 'impromptuly' scheduled another interview at this Toa Payoh student care centre after my lunch. Therefore I ended up rushing to 3 places on Tuesday again. The Toa Payoh Student care is a PAP place with lots of kids running around and their teachers running after them to put them to sleep during rest time. This was the first time when I felt grossly over-qualified when I realized that the working hours are going to be double of that of FC, which is a private centre for the affluent, but the pay is even lower than FC! The teachers working there are all aunties like my mother, and once again I have the feeling that I will not see the place again. Later that day, I went through a very tough interview at NKF even though I was quite prepared, the interviewer pointed out mistakes in my grammar, looking quite disgusted the whole time and I felt like I was a kid talking to my principal in the Principal's office after being given some demerit points. What a day!

The next day was already Christmas's eve, but I was still on the job search high. I'm quite impressed with myself this time round. I called up several schools in the vicinity and enquired about relief teaching, and even went down to MOE to renew my status as a relief teacher. Can't believe that I'm doing what I was doing 4 years ago. Sigh.. but that's an alternative that was better than none. Finally Christmas eve arrived and it was time for my parties! Managed to put all these behind me for Christmas except during the discussion at Casey's place about job search and job interviews. Which, from what was discussed, I concluded that it will take me zillion years to convince somebody to hire me. So amazed by how most people can make themselves so enthusiastic and convincing during job interviews, BUT it's just not me.

The whole job issue became really hyped up last week, with good reasons. I was really upset with Hock Sui for pinning his ideals on me and pressing me to find a job soon. It's one of the rare times we have conflicts over anything, and its a sensitive but important issue. We didn't manage to have a fight or squabble afterall, but I was just plain upset with myself suddenly and horrified with him for making this his christmas wish when all I wanted from him was the latest Jay's CD for the 'hidden track'. I guess we are very different people and hopefully like what he says 'we complement each other'. He can't imagine how I can live my life without great aspirations while I can't imagine myself making great plans for the future. I guess he felt bad, but I feel so much worse that people close to me are feeling that I'm too laid back for my own good.

Last night, I slept with a discouraged thoughts of how to go about looking for a job now that Christmas is over, just like Cinderalla going home after her party. Was awaken by a phone call from Alicia (the young interviewer from FC), who told me that they had decided to offer me the contract despite the fact that I will not be fulfilling the terms when I go off for Ramunia. I ended up with the job and I realised that the FC hols are actually quite a lot as it always have one more week of hols in addition to the normal school break. I'll have 2 weeks of hols in March/ Sept, 5 weeks in June and 7 weeks in Dec. And that's a lot comparing to teaching in schools and other kinds of job, that's why leave is not granted on other days. At least I'm quite happy that I ended up with a job that I enjoy in a nice environment, just before the end of this lousy year. When I was walking out of the place, the lady from the Toa Payoh student care centre called to inform me that the post has been filled. I was still comtemplating taking up the offer, despite being paid peanuts (and I hate peanuts). Finally, the long week is over and so is my draggy job search.

Money issues
Yeah.. ERS is coming next week and so is the start of my computer loan repayment date. I'm pretty broke after these few weeks break from tuitions. Feeling so bad that I'm not paying a single cent everytime we go 'par-tor', which is not our practice until recently when he have a steady income and I'm taking pocket money from my parents again. Luckily, I'm going to have a pay check soon, just in time for new year and my tuition kid just called to start off with tuitions again. Phew..another reason why I was so desperate to get a job.

Monday, December 22, 2003

Boring work=> blogging Edited blog title to humor Miss Wu, hee..
Oh my, just went to Danping's page and saw her new blogs. Don't even have time to go through all of that as I guess I should be sleeping soon, but I'll be back babe! Suddenly feel inspired and decided to give my bloggie some updates, I think the 'peak' of everyone blogging down their babblering and boring life is when they feels the most bored. From what I observed, Miss Wu started her blogging during her attachment and my other good friend Miss Lim also became a blog fanatic when she just started working. Heh.. how interesting. And now Aileen is gone from the blogging scene for more than a week, probably too busy enjoying and shopping from xmas. But now Miss Wu's back again, as she's stuck in her office for FYP during the hols. What a life..

Job search
Alrighty, the job search is going at full force again. I have no more excuses as Hock Sui had already finished his post-grad, went for OBS and settled down happily in his job while I'm still bumming around (and I actually graduated a few weeks before him). CI course is over, no more tuitions and the only excuse that I've left now is the Ramunia, which is quite lame too and it's going to be over in a blink. Went for two and half interviews today in a row..and came back feeling that it's a feat. It's a feat as I was punctual for all 3 appointments and got myself a part time job which I'm quite interested.. at least it's a small feat. The first place I went was this enrichment centre for kids above the cold storage which is opposite to where Diah used to live..and we used to go there (that's why I was able to find my way there early this morn) The girl who interviewed me called back after I'm home this evening and said that they decided to give me a part time position to adapt to the job first. Sound pretty good, I only have to work 4 hours per day for a start and the pay is satisfactory. Sigh, maybe I'm really stucked teaching for the rest of my life.. dunno if I should be relieved or sad?

Monday, December 15, 2003

Festive seasons
I can smell it in the air, the festive 'smell' that announcing Christmas is coming, the air is cooler and everyone is in the partying mood. Every year, I had been looking forward to this time of the year when Christmas is so near and the New Year and CNY coming soon after that. We have lots of countdowns and parties organized, firework watching and so on. Maybe its just me, and there's no such thing as the festive smell but whenever the weather turned cooler, I just feel so excited that Christmas is coming. Its just the atmosphere in the air and the decorations that I see everywhere. For the previous five years, I had been celebrating Christmas the same way (countdown with the CI course committee), but I'm wondering whether there's any changes to my plans this year. Hmm… the crowd is getting younger and I'm growing out of it and also, I've to see whether Hock Sui has any plans. Hadn't been bothering much about the new year in the past, just looking forward to go back to school. But this year it seemed that I'm rather dreading the arrival of 2004 as this year seems to be quite uncompleted and unaccomplished. There had been lots of good times and bad times this year. Obviously the completion of my studies is both good and bad, I just have the feeling that I can't go on to the next year without having found something that I like to do. The past six months gave me an empty feeling, like this year hadn't been achieving and doing as much as previously. Everyone (family, closed friends and Hock Sui) had been encouraging me to find something to do soon, I'm glad for their positive support but feel quite sorry that this had been dragging on for such a long time. Sigh.. I had also lost track on what other things I can do to salvage the situation, but hopefully I can get out of this soon.

Had a long week behind me as I was down with flu, cough and sore throat.. each of them are taking turns to had their toil on me. Recovered from flu to be followed by sore throat, then cough and now I'm having flu again. Argghh.. the ATC that I had was the slackest I ever had as I was sick the whole time and spent lots of time sleeping in the bunk. I'm still feeling quite weak and need a lot of sleep right now. Finally get to attend the campfire since I had missed it the last two courses but sad to say, it was held in the canteen due to endless rain on Ubin.

Friday, December 05, 2003

Yeah..i'm back, been blog surfing for the past half an hour as I had almost forgotten about the existence of blogger. =P Saw someone's blog that's full of such quizs..

You're Sensitive and you'd like to stay that way..
-Sensitive- You're Sensitive, and you'd like to
stay that way. Sorry,listened to a bit too much
Jewel there. You're sweet and very emotionally
charged. You definitely love the person you're
with, and always want to know how they're
feeling so you can make sure they're happy.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Yawn..I believe that my significant other had long forgotten that I have a blog page to check this out anyway.. tsk tsk..

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Is this true? This is a pirated MBTI test..haha, but sounds like me?

You're an ISFP
You're gentle and and flexible...considerate of others and do not for views and opinions on them. Often focus on meeting others needs...pleasant, quiet and their best ensuring others well-being. Caring and sensitive....modest and reserved.. enjoy subjects that relate to helping and knowing about people... art ... computers and history classes if these classes are taught with an applied, sensible approach.. and if objectives relate directly to everyday lives....

You're somewhat artistic, aren't you? You could probably post a great poem on the Storm Palace, huh? You dislike structure, because it takes away from your spontaneity and freedom. You like leisure, and seek it out. You savor it...probably say "stop and smell the roses"...You have a personal and humorous approach that is unique...

Patient and flexible..easy to get along with and no need to dominate others. You don't need to lead, and are a loyal follower...good team members... You're trusting and understanding...

Love to you is utter devotion and loyalty... when you first fall in love, you may feel consumed by it...."falling in love with love" ...focus on the romance of it are constantly nourishing the relationship... When scorned, you probably retreat and repeatedly analyze the situation internally....When you let go finally, you can be more assertive again...

You organize things according to their personal and humanistic values. You like a work setting that contains cooperative people... leadership style involves personal loyalty as a means of motivating others... prefer team approach...likes to enjoy life...

Be careful of the following: you can lose out when you neglect your own needs. because you see others' needs so clearly, and because you're heavily motivated toward meeting others' needs, you may overlook your own requirements. You need to learn how to respect own needs more and to be assertive and direct with others in asking for their help and for time to take care of themselves.

You also lose out when you are afraid of conflict and mismanage it as a result. You take personal responsibility for conflicts and issues that in actuality belong to others. You become hurt and withdraw. Finally, you can lose out when you become self-critical, and do not appreciate your own accomplishments.


Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Forgot to mention that the movie about Jay is out, screening on next Thurs. It's call the 'Hidden Track', but Jay's not starring in it. What a disappointment for his fans! I'll still support the movie though..

My childhood New Year

Still remember the time when I was a child.. young enough to keep things into my memories but not old enough to understand things. I was only 9 years old then.

When I was very much younger, I used to hate going to my Grandma's place for Chinese New Year as we had to take a long ride in the car to Pontian, where she used to live. I always had problems with motion sickness and my parents had to stop the car for me to vomit at the roadside. But that place was damn happening and exciting. As I slowly grew up, I began to enjoy the days of CNY there, even started to look forward to it. Those days of playing with my cousins, new year goodies and the fireworks! It was what we could never have in was wonderful and we could go catching fireflies at night too. I remember that when I was in Pri 3 and Pri 4, after the long journey back home on the last day of holidays, I developed a strange feeling of unwillingness to go back to school after all that fun and started crying at home.. The memories of all that tears all came back to me now.

Maybe it's really hard for someone to go back to reality after having so much fun, it's like a sudden change of events that made it really hard to be acceptable at moments, even though beforehand we had been doing it everyday. Hmm.. I'm much reminded of what happened in my childhood days and after having too much fun, I was unwilling to go back to school again. And now I'm still like a child. Luckily, I should say that people adapt really fast and once again, I'm back on track. It doesn't feel so painful anymore to leave those happiness behind and get on with life.

As an afternote.. I should add on that those days only lasted till I went to secondary school. In my teens, I wished that I could go back home when I went back to M'sia for visiting every year. No longer did I enjoy it so much, and I was always looking forward to meet up with friends in school againn or to go for plucking green, after the hols. And we always get an extra day of holiday during CNY. =)

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Sometimes, I really don't know what I'm doing.. I'm doing nothing all day but sleeping and rotting away, waiting for night time to come. But anyway, thanks for the encouragement Ling! Did I sound depressed/sad the previous previous post? Nah.. actually I think even if the sky is falling down, I'm not affected anymore. I don't know where my anxiety has gone to. Maybe there's still other issues on my mind.

Hmm.. let's move on to a lighter topic.. Wondering if I write a testimonial for myself on friendster, how would it be like? Obviously I'm a humble and modest little creature, so would point out more of my own flaws (which is not that many anyway) rather than singing my own praises like what everyone else had been doing..hahahhaha..

Yurong is a really great friend, she's loyal to her closest buddies and will always be there for them. But she's a big PROCRASTINATOR... likes to throw things to the back of her head and only get started when it's absolutely necessary. Thus, she's too lazy to call her friends or organise gatherings. BUT..she'll still be there for everyone after a long time. She's quite shy when meeting new people, but warm up to them easily. She has this weird habit of avoiding making phone calls to anyone, it's a psychological disorder diagnosed years ago, and she's also anti-social. If she sees any acquaintances whom she hardly knows on the street, she avoids them like plague and tries to hide away to avoid the awkwardness of making small talks. Now, isn't that anti-socialness? She's loves being with a big group of people, but at moments during a great party, she'll turn into a hermit and hide in a corner, mellowing down very fast. But other than all these, she's alright and appears to be quite normal. Her mental age is 2 years younger than her realistic age, so pardon her if she appears quite naive and out of the world..she's still living at 20 years old of age. Yurong has lots of dreams, but does not think that working is necessary although that's what she's supposed to do. At this moment, she's at a juncture of her life where she doesn't know where to start, continue and end. But give her some time, she doesn't like to plan too much ahead of her in life and just take things easy as they come. =) That's a double edged sword as some people may find her too laid back to achieve any success while others will admire her simplicity in life. She's just a harmless and unthreatening human being.

Hee hee.. I'm done.
Oh yah, my blog actually is actually one year old yesterday. Woah..been through a lot this year. Happy birthday Blog! =)

Monday, October 27, 2003

Okay, think everyone should know what it is and what it does. Anyone who do not know what is friendster..erm..I guess shouldn't be living in this world at all. (Go bang your head on the wall!!) I have accumulated 82 friends presently and connected to 255, 000 others.. It's quite amazing at first, and I spent my days surfing to people's pages, adding people I know, then 'kay-pohing' about how my secondary school friends, JC friends and other people whom I know are doing. Maybe I was too bored, but went back to surf around for days, and eventually all the friends just came 'rolling' in.. now they mostly found me instead of me finding them. I feel that everyone is more interested in adding friends then the friends they had added. At first, Hock Sui was really against me spending my time there, saying its boh liao, lame etc.. maybe he's just jealous. =P But nowadays he's the one surfing around everyday!! Sigh.. who's the lamer?

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Yeah..long time no blog. Yesterday went blog surfing and discover this HP character test from Xien's page, so just went to take the test for interest sake. I like the results, but I seriously don't think I can intimidate anyone with my confidence. =P But the part about me being a loyal friend is true.. hee hee.. Also went to Danping's blog and I think if I'm not wrong, she took down her blog page and started one somewhere else, becos of the disclosed blog addie. But guess I'm too lazy to shift as I'm too comfortable settled down here. Don't care.. =P I wondered if she started any new blog page at all, didn't get a new addie from her anyway.

Haven't blog once since Hock Sui came back, hmmm.. should say that we spent quality time catching up before he's gone again for his training next week. Really felt so happy the past two weeks to make up for lost time since he started TIP. But I guess he's right, it's about time I should do some serious thinking about what I want to do to make myself happy next. Frankly in the past one mth or so I just kept telling myself that I will take things as it come and was really spending my life just waiting for him to be free, so that we can spend some time together. Just thinking/discussing of what I should do next made me quite defensive and sort of depressed too. Maybe that's why I didn't want to face it in the first place. I just feel quite useless to be doing nothing concrete and have no goals/motivation in life at the moment. But life shouldn't be like that for me and it's time to do some soul-searching, I had seriously thought about it anyway, luckily I guess I'm not too desperate or depressed yet (or I may just sink into endless whining and complaining). And at least that gives me some leeway to decide properly, which is a good thing. Hmm, all of a sudden it's quite ironic as I suddenly don't feel like doing any kayaking or NPCC stuff anymore; even though it's all those stuff that's keeping me happy all the time. Suddenly, I just want to be somewhere like where Wendy is and doing something altogether different. I really not too sure what to do to keep myself happy, maybe I'll be glad just to land myself a 9-5 job; maybe I just want to learn something new for a change. I don't want to go Ramunia, I dont want to go IPC all of a sudden. Are these hindering me to start something new?? The soul searching shall continue..

Friday, October 03, 2003

The door and the specs

Guess you wouldn't know this. A newly fixed and painted door which is equipped with a new lock cost $285. It's really fast.. after reading through the adverts and calling up the person, the guy will come within hours and show you the brochures to look for the design you like. Next day, the door is fixed within half an hour by the headman, leaving lots of wood shavings on the floor. And later on, another person will come and paint the door for you. Okay, so now I have the newest and prettiest door in the house..duh.. Ever since we've moved in, it's quite awkwardly fixed to the room so nobody can close the door properly (except for me), but now it's working beautifully. And of course it looks like it haven't been changed, except for the lock. We chose back the exact same colour and design so that it will look too odd and outstanding from the rest of the rooms in the house. Of course, my parents paid for all these..heh heh...

On Monday, I realised that I've left my specs in OBS. Haiz.. must be that Miss Giam, she was sitting on my bed in the middle of the night, whining and refusing to go back to sleep. End up, I exchanged bed with her and in all that hoo-hah in the middle of the night, I forgot where I left my specs in the morning and came back without it. Not that I use it very often, but now I can't change out of my contact lenses until the very very last moment before I want to get into bed. Sometimes it's really uncomfortable, think I forgot to change my monthly disposable for a long time arleady. I'm practically blind without visual aids. Sigh.. Mum was nagging at me for that day but she promised to get a new pair for me soon.

Friday, September 26, 2003

New shocking discovery: Happened to went to one blogspot page, was shocked to see my blog and Danping's blog listed in the author's page. ( My god, how did she get these links!! Then further reading of the page.. eh.. it's one of my NYNPCC Sec 3s, who I'm think I can't match their faces and names yet. Hmm.. is it this easy to search for one's blog page in the web?? Think Danping must be kicking herself..hahaaa.. imagine the whole unit reading our thoughts everyday!!

Anyway, think 7 years is really an age gap big enough for me not to understand these young girls, and maybe they also dun understand what I'm ranting about everyday. =P Generation gap..generation gap.. Erm, I hope that my blogging is not too 儿童不宜.
Sigh.. still having flu and I've skipped tuition to have more rest at home, hope it's not going to spoil my weekend at OBS tomorrow.. =( Quite sickening yeah??

Anyway, was really excited when I saw the new school ranking on the papers today. NANYANG had finally beaten the CHINESE HIGH SCHOOL!! Oh man, I think this really calls for a celebration, and maybe NY should have one week of school holidays next week. Hahahaa..fat hopes though. I've had been out of there for years... but think the school really did instil the wrong values of being competitive about the school ranking and results in us. Hee hee..=P In my fond memories, the whole school will be really tensed the day when the 'O's results are out (it will also determine if the school will declare a holiday, which always happened to fall near my birthday..=P), or when the top 50 school ranking is out. And our principal (old Mrs Ng) will specially call for an assembly to slowly analyse the results to us, putting on more stress to the graduating batch and brain-washing everyone. Duh.. =P Those were the days.. I remember during one of the combined sports day with the Chinese High School (think I was only Sec 2), the principal of that school gave a speech and reminded us girls not to be too competitive or something like that, must always 'give in' to the boys. Hmm..that had certainly achieved a negative effect and from that day onwards, it was always the dream of the whole school to be more hardworking and beat those gloaters hands down. =P Maybe we can call it the 'Nanyang Dream'.. heehee.. took us so many years to achieve it..

Come to think of it, the enemity is rather childish (my impression of tchs had always been baddddd), heh heh.. but brought back many fond memories of yesteryears. =)
Ahhhh chooooooo.. was sneezing the whole time today, it's quite irritating. But luckily didn't develop into flu. Think the weather is quite bad, had been raining since last night and most of today. Wanted to go kayaking.. but didn't go after all, was feeling quite lethargic anyway..=P

Thursday, September 25, 2003's raining outside, great for sleeping!! But just now I've slept after coming home, too tired.. Another few pairs of friends have broken up, think it's really in the air now. Cupid must be slacking like me, not doing his job.. =P I think different people really have different agenda and philosophy when they found someone to be with.. it's sort of strange but that's the way of life. I thot it's important to know the person well before you be with him/her, at least must be friends? or good friends? But many others are getting to know each other after they are already an item.. like 'love at first sight'.. it's all rubbish. Hahaha..enough of this.

I think the society is flawed, maybe if I'm a guy nobody will say anything if I don't know how to cook and wash. Why, why am I not a man? Then can sit back and relax at home already, sigh. Hmm.. maybe someday I really need to learn... I think cooking is like doing experiments, it's a series of combustion and chemical reaction. Then maybe if you add the wrong elements or too much of something the whole thing will go wrong.. Somemore experiments have to keep trying and trying before you get the best results, it's just like what the scientists did. Anyway, I'm lousy at science, and I'm lousy at cooking too.. I can't whip up anything edible, not yet..
Today I went to Subordinate courts for a series of test (pre-selection for interpreter's job) and it was from 9am to 3pm!! Drained me. This is the first time I've been there, there were a lot of people walking around the whole place and it wasn't as grand as what I've seen on TV (maybe I didn't get to go into the courtrooms, of course) but the series of steps outside were very familiar, always shown on the chinese drama!! =P Most of the people were in suits, both men and women. I think even if I stand in the middle of Shenton Way, won't find that many dressing like that, since the weather here is not very friendly to put on too many layers. The place where I had the test was a nice room on the 9th floor, and there were two papers and one oral test. In between all that papers I went down to the ground floor for the vending machine and the lift system there is badddd.. I think HDB flats in Sembawang is much better. Another complaint I had is the NE MRT line.. was quite anxious to find the place as the test was held very early in the morning and I don't exactly know where it is (I usually have problems with finding directions, so have to get there early). It was definitely the rush hours in the morning, I changed to NE line at Dhoby Ghaut as I'm supposed to alight at Clarke Quay. There was a big crowd getting out of the train when the train arrived, and I was so glad that it's still quite early.. But before any of the many commuters on the platform could wait on the train, the doors of the MRT closed and it just went off with the cabins half-empty. *jaw dropped all the way to the floor* Everyone there was so stunned and stared helplessly as the train disappeared, and the next train was only 10 minutes later!! (really tough luck, I think just traveling in the morning can make one's mood very bad) Luckily I stepped into the room just in time.. but after the whole of today I can really understand the woes of people who are working in the central district. I've experienced wholesale what it was like if I'm working in an office there, had to drag myself up early and stand throughout the journey from Sembawang to my destination. After the tests, I went for tuition and happened to meet with the peak hours crowd at the end of it. The bus was crowded and moving slowly, traffic is heavy and just a day like this made me so exhausted. Now I understand .. Monday blues.. sometimes people are cursing and swearing. Even though I have lots of patience, still can feel it in me. The feeling is not good..face the world man!

Anyway back to the test, the first paper was translation from English to Chinese (it was about some punishment laws) and the second one was vice versa (about NDP). I just went there without any preparation but I saw people with thick stacks of notes and the dictionary. Luckily they also provided us with dictionaries and I hogged a thick and good one. *sheepish grin* That was my first trial with translation, didn't take the course in Arts but I found it quite easy.. finished the paper quite fast, and the rest were still working furiously while I copied out everything again. It's either because I'm an amateur and missed out lots of stuff, or I haven't lost my language abilities. I think translation from Chinese to English was certainly much easier..only used half the time given and went off for lunch, my stomach was growling! But I totally flopped during the oral test, none of us knew that we were supposed to do translations in dialects. And the worst thing is, I don't know any local dialects. Only can understand my mother's family dialect, but nobody else in the world share the same language. Sigh..quite sad, this is certainly a defect of birth, but the person told me that aN interpreter is supposed to acquire at least one or two of them. It's rather funny, just imagine somebody pass you a passage in English and expect you to tell them in Hokkien/ Cantonese, when you are not born into that dialect. Crazy world..

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Yep.. I'm certain feeling some kind of guilt after reading Danping's blog, people are dying doing FYP and getting killed by all sorts of boredom, and here I am..wondering who to go and watch the movie with. Hahahaa...I'm one lucky pig indeed. =P How about this? I've done nothing but slept the whole day away and went for a leisure swim in the evening.. hee hee, certainly no Monday blues for me! Yeah, at certain moments when people are dreading to go to work or going back to school after a tiring weekend, I think I have no problem with resting all my worth on Monday.

It's Casey's birthday today, she's only half a year older than me but I've realised that she really leading her life very different from me. She's already working, have her own family and flat, and of course everyone knows where I am right now. Slacking! Hahahaa.. I think I'm more like a student while she's already on her way to become an Auntie.. ahem! I mean a real family woman. =P Met up with her, Aichin and Nic yesterday evening after I'm back from OBS; it's also due to the lucky fact that I don't have other committments to rush on Monday, so dragged myself there after having dinner with Giam and Wu. Now I think it's really true that people whom we used to think are the last ones to get married will be the first instead. Casey was telling me about this crappy and crazy senior whom I known since I was in Sec One (she was my councilor and she called herself 'Sticky') who just went through her customary wedding. Oh my.. when we were still in school absolutely nobody can imagine her getting married so soon!! Well, so I guess maybe the next person will be Danping.. hahahhahahaha..

Recently did a test which somebody sent to me, and my mental age is only 20 years old, ermm.. so what does that mean? I hope I'm certainly not horrifying immature and childish. But I agree that I'm quite non-chalent about life.. people used to call it 'boh chup' but I've found a nicer word for it now. =) Meaning is still the same though..hahhaa.. Anyway, we had a lot of time our first night there at OBS and a lot of energy left, so was having a lot of crappy chit-chatting and 'fooling around' making Giam our main target. But amidst of it, Vernon brought up a serious qns about why all of us wanted to go for coaching. I guess I'm one lucky pig who happened to meet the right time and right people unlike the rest of them who were being volunteered, it was really pure luck for me. =P It's more of like a herd mentality... like what Wu mentioned. Wouldn't try to make up a noble reason, I think I also can't speak of the real reason. But nevertheless, there's certainly quite an amount of positive motivation for me, I guess it's really intrinsic. Hee hee.. Maybe when I'm starting off something new I really need company, but now I've realised that all my 'comrades' are all missing in action, but I'm still around in the team, and involved in the next IPC. Yah, and if you scroll down my blog of the past few mths, I did mention that the last time is my last time, BUT now it's the same thing!!?? Why am I doing all this as if I've just graduated from J03??Can't believe me right.. guess I'm really an idiot, but at least I'm a happy idiot, and somehow there's still a fair amount of intrinsic motivation to justify... =) I think people are starting to suspect I'm taking a year long break like Stef Sun (yah right.. and as if I've got the $$$ like her), taking my own sweet time to go kayaking, go for CI course, go Ramunia before it's time to work!! Siao.. but even I myself suspect that I may be doing exactly that. =P Well, think everything needs motivation to be carried out, either intrinsic or extrinsic.. waiting for that day to come. Realised that I've missed studying after going to OBS course, I'm the kind who enjoy taking in knowledge from words and strings of sentences. I like learning through theory even more than practical. Mum is encouraging me to further my studies, sort of comtemplating about borrowing/getting money from my parents to do the part time course. But still in a dilemma. Partly due to the nature of the course and mainly, borrowing money means that I'll be restricted in my activities after that, and I know I'll hate that.

Thursday, September 18, 2003

Usually watching TV is my least favourite activity as it's quite boring and can be a waste of time! But for the past few days, had been catching the drama <倩女幽魂> on Channel U everynight. The storyline line is quite interesting, as there's many small parts and little stories intertwined together. Maybe I'm just bored, but think it's quite an alluring story, and getting better. They have quite a strong cast in this show which is another attractive part... Daniel Chan is Ning Caichen, the scholar who fell in love with the female ghost Xiao Qian, acted by 大 S. But right now, she's still haven't die yet and is still a human in the show. They are star-crossed lovers for seven lifetimes. Wow..I'm amazed, who can think of such storyline? It's something like the vampire show which was one of my favourites a few years ago. =)

Had missed a few chances of watching the show Turn Left Turn Right, I think it's a show that everyone been wanting to watch. Heard not-so-good from the experts but amateurs like my friends said it's worth watching a second time, even the guys. Hahaha..I've decided to wait; can't make up my mind after promising too many pple to watch with them.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Just added Aileen's blog link to my page.. hee hee. And she's really been blogging a lot for the past week! Think working life must be really boring, hahaha.. Anyway I was off blogging mood for the past few days, so wasn't as long-winded as before. Now back just for a short one.

Yoohoo.. in case Ling is dropping by here, Blog is the short form for Weblog. Get it? =P Anyway, my templete is 'nicer' because blogspot used to provide a lot more variety of templetes and backgrounds. I didn't do anything to change it on my own, and they just provided me with this.. but I don't know what happened after they revamped everything. Now it's all left the dull, boring designs, so I don't bother changing anymore.

Went on shopping spree after the stayover at club on Sunday. Got my allowances from my tuitions and kayaking, so suddenly I felt that I need a lot of things... Erm, was resisting the urge to splurge and convinced myself that some of these 'needs' are just 'wants'. Hahhaa.. Was quite tired after shopping around Cityhall area when I met a friend at Suntec. We went to Thailand together last year and therefore we're somehow quite close after spending two weeks there together. Was quite surprised and happy to meet him as I haven't see him around after we've graduated, but somehow his girlfriend who was with him made me feel quite uncomfortable. Can't explain it, but her behaviour was rather unfriendly which is out of the norm that kind. At first I thought that she's just a passer-by, as she didn't even seem to acknowledge the fact that her bf had met a friend. I guessed she just didn't like other girls talking to him, so I made my escape really fast to put her mind at ease, and went on with my shopping. It's really strange, as we were only chatting normally, and I'm not the exceptionally sociable type, so of course won't touch her bf right? Anyway, the friend whom I met was a really nice person, so didn't ask him too much about his gf also. He is a 100% good boyfriend from what we know of him during the trip, as he was the only one who's attached among all of us and during the trip almost everything he bought was for his gf, somemore he did spent a lot to make long-distance calls back everynight. We kept teasing him about it as one of us happened to overheard his conversations on the phone..hahaa..

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Sunny daze
Think going for a few camps is good, like what Danping says, it helps to take away some unfounded worries. Anyway, this week is turning out to be a better one for me.. after coming back from the Area 2 ATC and Primary 5 camp, which were both quite fun and enjoyable. Think the sun is finally out with the rainbow! Initially had a lousy time on Monday morning when I got up to go for the camp, as I was stucked in my room. Somehow the door won't budge no matter how I turned the door knob, ended up using the phone in my room to call the living room as nobody heard me shouting for help. Mum called the locksmith and I took the next hour getting confined in, thirsty and worried that I'll be late for the ATC. Really suay.. Went back to sleep for a while in the end. Hee.. come to think of it, whole incident was quite funnie but Mum was quite horrified afterall. She left my room without a working door knob now so that it can't be closed and locked at all. =P

Okay, short updates. Next two days are going to be another two kayaking days for me, as there's a lot of courses in club this week. Initially was reluctant to go for kayaking again as ATC was going to be tiring, and everyone was so shocked that I told them I'm going to pia so many kayaking sessions this week. But Erik was looking for help urgently and I think I'm still coping quite well with the ATC, not too tired out. Still having another KOP before the gathering this Sat, that's my fifth day of teaching kayaking this week, only left with two days on the land. Think I'm spending more time in the sea than at home this week. =)

Sunday, September 07, 2003

Singapore Hits Award
Yeah, missed the live broadcast last night as I went to visit Michelle after the camp, and Jay bagged 3 awards this year!! This morning, managed to catch 933 top 20 hits for the week and another song <<晴天>> from the new album is on the list now, another of my favourites but it's a sad song.. still wondering why the song is named this way.



故事的小黄花 从出生那年就飘着 童年的荡秋千
随记忆一直晃到现在 ㄖㄨㄟ ㄙㄡ ㄙㄡ ㄒ一 ㄉㄡ ㄒ一
ㄌㄚ ㄙㄡ ㄌㄚ ㄒ一 ㄒ一 ㄒ一 ㄒ一 ㄌㄚ ㄒ一 ㄌㄚ ㄙㄡ
吹着前奏望着天空我想起花瓣试着掉落 为你翘课的那一天
花落的那一天 教室的那一间 我怎么看不见 消失的下雨天
我好想再淋一遍 没想到失去的勇气我还留着 好想再问一遍
你会等待还是离开 刮风这天 我试过握着你手
但偏偏 雨渐渐 大到我看你不见 还要多久
我才能在你身边 等待放晴的那天 也许我会比较好一点
从前从前 有个人爱你很久 但偏偏 雨渐渐 把距离吹得好远
好不容易 又能再多爱一天 但故事的最后你好像说了拜拜

Came back from the Pri 5 camp that Giam was in charge of organising, must say that she really did a good job. All of us were quite unwilling to go at first, and we woke up very very early on Friday morn (that was when I was beginning to regret) but at the end of it, hmm... enjoyable in a way and all of us enjoyed it somehow. I must say that the kids are quite cute and I liked them a lot, but was really horrifying at the beginning. I was having real headache and felt so exhuasted on the evening of the first day. Really will give second thoughts about teaching primary school children if I were to become a teacher..hee hee.. and can't imagine what it's like to bring up my own kids when I'll have to face them 24 hours for years.. NO!! Sigh, just after one day, I felt so tired when we were on our way back from camp.. quite glad that it's only a 2D1N camp. It's not the activities, but just coaxing them, rounding them up and making them stand in lines is tiring most of the time. Children are real surprising, they don't mind getting dirty and wet, but they're always complaining and whining for attention.. keep having them running up to me and say 'Teacher..teacher.." argghh..=P

Raining days
The past one week had been tough..tough..tough for me..=P It's just like the sunlight disappearing behind the clouds, it'll be out one day. It's not just the Pri 5 camp that's making me tired, but I feel both emotionally and physically exhausted. It's been an unpleasant week and I just feel quite sick and tired of my own life at this moment. Sigh, got a msg from Giam this morning and felt glad about her care and concern. She is more sensitive than many others, and at some moments, I'm very appreciative. On the MRT ride back yesterday, she was asking about my eyebags and eye rings, and I just realised that she's right when I looked at the mirror today.. I'm looking more tired and haggard then ever. Panda eyes..=P Really wish that I can talk about it, but I can squeak no more. I don't understand why too..

Thursday, September 04, 2003

天若有情天亦老, 月如无痕月常圆

Just thought that these verses are pretty well written, especially the second part which is less well known by people. Now I know, why the moon is only round once a month. Isn't it true that nothing is perfect in this world? Hmm.. Mooncake festival is approaching again, and it's getting to me again. I'm just like a werewolf who's afraid of the full moon, hahaa.. the festival is just like a big irony to me. How I wish it's like last year, when I can escape to Dayang for diving. I'm always an escapist.

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Turn Left Turn Right
This thurs they're having a sneak preview of the show. Guess where it'll be showing? On the overhead bridge separating Nanyang Girls' and the Chinese High...and they're inviting people to go there in school uniform. I think they felt that's it's a perfect place as the students from the two schools are always walking in separate directions.. I think it's a bizarre idea, can't believe my ears when I heard it over the radio. I prefer not to have my path crossed with anyone from that side of the road..=P

Sunday, August 31, 2003

Beware, this is a rant blog.

If boredom can kill, I think I would be dead by now. Can't believe me, I've practically locked myself inside the house for the whole weekend. I'm in the hermit mood, don't feel like playing with anyone. "Huh, you mad? Always online somemore.." Sigh..yep, think I am. Don't even feel like blogging... going out soon.

Only achievement today is that I've baked brownies.. Yep, brownies.

Friday, August 29, 2003

Turn Left, turn right

Hmm, the show is finally going to come out on 10th Sept. This afternoon I heard the main theme song by Sephanie Sun on TV and it's quite a nice one too. Quite sometime ago, Danping and I were at the popular bookstore and they had the whole range of Jimmy's books. It quite collectible, and my dream is to get the whole range of his books, just like my Harry Porter series. Told Danping that I had seen the flash on a website before, but I lost the link to the flash so couldn't send to her then. But I've found the link to Jimmy's website and can view the synopsis of the books and some other stuff. ( Had been waiting for the movie as I had seen the posters around for a long time, think it's going to be a nice one.

Everyday, we meet people by chances. Whether we get to make friends depend on chances and fate, and sometimes its just a matter of choices to know them better. You'll never know which of these are your acquaintances, or they may become your good friends and even someone you can't live without in future.

遇见 (电影"向左走向右走"第一主打)

听见 冬天的离开 我在某年某月 醒过来
我想 我等 我期待 未来却不能因此安排
阴天 傍晚 车窗外 未来有一个人在等待
向左 向右 向前看 爱要拐几个弯才来
我遇见谁 会有怎样的对白 我等的人 他在多远的未来
我听见风 来自地铁和人海 我排着队 拿着爱的号码牌
我往前飞 飞过一片时间海 我们也常在爱情里受伤害
我看着路 梦的入口有点窄 我遇见你是最美的意外
终有一天 我的谜底会解开

by 孙燕姿

Jimmy's stories are quite philosophical, I'm real lucky today as I went to the library and finally managed to find his books there. Borrowed 3 of his books at a go, as I had been looking out for them for a long time. It's something like the story of 'Little Prince' and I must say that he have very good imagination and talent. Maybe I can't draw, that's why appreciate it even more. There's more pictures than words in his books but it tells a lot about life. Was reading one of them on my way home, it's call 'Sounds of Colours' and it's about a blind little girl experiencing life from her rides on the MRT. My interpretations of her MRT rides are the passages of life, and different stops are different experiences in life. These are my favourite lines:-

有时候, 我觉得已走到世界的尽头.
不断地坐错车, 并一再下错车.
常常不知道自己在哪里? 要去什么地方?
其实, 我哪里都不想去.

Actually his stories are mostly quite sad and 灰暗. And the irony is that the sad parts are the most colourful parts in the books. I would say that he's a cynic just like me, from the way the stories are written, maybe that's why I appreciate the stories a lot. But, being cynical is not the same as being pessimistic, it's just the ironies of life that makes it so special.

This morning I woke up feeling very bored even though the weekend is approaching. I was lamenting to Aileen that life is so meaningless, those who are working or studying had also been complaining to me about their woes. But ironically, I don't feel much better than them. Maybe it's the marathon tuitions I'm gong to have tomorrow that's making me demoralised, or it's just the uneventfulness of things. I just dread it. I even suspect that I may be undergoing the 'quarter-life crisis' now.. But ermm.. I hate to think about that, I haven't even started working and I still got another half a year before I'm 23.

Hee.. anyway, felt so much better after visiting the library in the evening. By the way, this is my third time to the library this week, I think it's the best place ever invented other than my bed. I must a real nerd. A pretty nerd anyway. =) Specially chose to go home around 8pm so that I can catch music diary on my way back, and I heard a very lovely story. Quite lucky today.

Thursday, August 28, 2003

Chow chow and Dum dum
Introduce my friends to you..

This is Chow chow, a honey coloured FF bear. It speaks English and it's quite smart. It is now peering curiosity at grass monster and wondering if it should make friends with it. Chow chow just moved out of NTU last week, and now it is living with Mommy. Chow chow's master is in US, intially it was rather sad to be left behind, but now it had settled down and living quite happily. In the day time, it sits in the living room to watch TV. And night time, it sleeps with Mommy. It's never lonely.

And this is Dum dum, it's just a week old but growing lots of grasses already. It bathes every morning.

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

The weather here been pretty cool since last Saturday. It was real hot when I was having kayaking for the first part of the afternoon, then the last activity cycle was affected by thunderstorm, lightning and huge waves.

Had been getting downpours for a few days now, and during my driving lesson yesterday. First time I switched on the demister, wiper and headlights in the car. *proud* hee hee.. But it was exciting since visibility was low, a bit scary too. I had encountered four instructors so far, and my driving experiences was never as bad as my sis described. Hahaha..think it's the reciprocity effect at work. My conclusion is that the older and uglier instructors are the more patient ones. Anyway, all of them were quite patient with me although I'm quite dumb, or maybe their impatience didn't have any effect on me. Maybe they just didn't realise, if I know how to drive very well already, wouldn't need to spend such a great sum of money on it right?

Yesterday I was assigned this good looking guy for the 2nd time , first time I saw him was really excited as finally I got somebody who's decent looking. But right after that previous session which was more than a mth ago, I really condemned him as he was the only one who failed me in a lesson. I think I still prefer the old and uglies. My eyes were glued to the road the whole time anyway, so it doesn't matter whether it's Tom Cruise or Moses Lim sitting next to me for that 100 minutes. This driving instructor resembled Malcolm, a FI I had met in HQ and he even speaks like him. He's something like a male version of a bimbo, a female who's pretty but brainless. I'm a bit being mean, as he wasn't that disgustingly brainless actually, and I think he was trying to keep himself awake in the cool weather by chatting brainlessly about my past time, reasons why I'm so tanned, and why I don't look like my resume photo. Sigh, I don't mind entertaining young teens but somehow a grown man in his twenties talking like that is a bit 'funnie'. I can't stand talkative guys in the first place, and I don't really like to discuss about my life stories with such acquaintances. Just wondering why they have this term 'bimbo' for ladies but not the guys. Nevermind, I'll just address him as an idiot. And I noticed that most good looking guys I know are brainless, maybe I'm being biased and generalising but there's very very few exceptions. Even Tom Cruise is quite brainless, what's so good about Penelope Cruz? God is really fair in this sense. It's either these good looking guys are brainless, or they are born with very low EQ. But I have to admit that guys are better drivers in a sense, and I'm going to be a lousy driver even if I have a license in future.

I'm in a cynical mood tonight..haha..

Him and her?
Two friends of mine just broke up recently..with each other. I not really very close to either of them, but the girl in question is a close friend of my close friend. Hmm.. so somehow quite close. I think naturally girls will side with the girls, unless for exceptional cases. As it is, only the people involved will really know what happened, but frankly, it's quite true that "长痛不如短痛" and people should be living to enjoy life and be happy right? So isn't it unwise to stay with someone that will hurt you and make you sad, regardless of whether it's the right person or not. I guess if someone really likes you, he/she will try their best to make you be happy no matter what. Yep, I'm quite cynical again. Hee hee, I even noticed that in 音乐日记, or Aunt Agony that kind of thing, they'll encourage you to give up, instead of holding on. (Speaking of which, I haven't been catching music diary for quite a long time..) Heh heh, but I also know that, it's possible to stay away from arguements, quarrels, fights and unhappiness. Maybe it's the temperament, or it's the chemistry, but somehow, I know.

Sunday, August 24, 2003

Yurong is back after a week of no blogging.. lots of things had happened as a long long post.. =)

He's gone
My boy boy flew to US for six weeks last Friday. Had been anticipating it for so long, so it's also good that he's finally gone.. so that he'll come back sooner! =) The best part of the whole thing was the surprise Wu and Giam gave us. I must admit that out of all the surprises that Serene had planned in the past, this is one of the best. But I think Wu who was dragged into her 'surprise' scheming didn't enjoy it a bit..hahhaa.. I had taken a part in it before and I was wondering and cursing the whole time why she could do such a dumb thing. But it was good to be at the receiving end, really appreciated it for once. Last year, they came to fetch me at the airport when I was back from Thailand, and hid behind some bushes or flower pots so I couldn't spot them when I collect my barang at the belt. So I took my own sweet time at the DFS and was getting out of the arrival hall before they appeared. Was really surprised.

Anyway, this time they paid a higher price as both of them actually stayed over at the airport to send Hock Sui off. Was really convinced that Miss Giam wouldn't appear (although she's a really warm hearted creature ) when she msg me to apologise the previous night, as she had a busy time with briefing for the Pri 5 camp before that. So i didn't suspect that it might be Giam surprise scheme again. Haha.. poor Danping was dragged in to spend the night at the cold airport with her, and both of them had to go to school after that. But was glad that I don't have to take a cab back alone, and we went for breakfast before we slowly take the bus to town and they went to school. Giam also sent a nice msg to me, think they were really there to give me moral support, and accompany me back. Also a good thing as I saved money from taking cab back and he could be more 放心 when he left. Initally thought that I would be rather sad, but just felt quite excited once we reached the airport very early that morning. I felt so much like going somewhere on the plane too! Anyway, promised to give Wu and Giam a treat next time..hee hee..

Hmm, still have the strange feeling that something is missing, esp after I woke up later that day. But guess will get used to it and Yurong's life will get back on track soon. Had been feeling rather low and grumpy towards the later part of the previous week, 43 more days to go only! Heee..

Slept for 5.5 hours after reaching home, stayed up the whole night with Hock Sui and was damn tired. But had to drag myself up to pack for ATC, go for tuition, then make my way to Changi. Had totally forgotten that I'm supposed to be at camp, and left my booties and jungle hat at club. Was panicking when I was packing my stuff in a rush. Felt so much like blogging but gave up the idea as I didn't even have the time to bathe. Was deciding if I should make a trip to the club when I saw the black cap that was given free to us for our help at the 'Charity swim event'. Although I'm not a 'cap' person, I'm certainly glad to find that alternative. The next trickier issue is the booties as both pair of my wet shoes are at club. Then miraculously, I spotted a pair of 'Go Sport' blue booties lying on top of my cupboard. Tried them on and Lo and behold!!, they fitted just nice and were quite new somemore. I really couldn't believe how lucky I was and until now I racked my brains a hundred times but still can't figure out when did I ever borrow/steal that pair of booties home. Nevertheless, I was damn lucky.

First night arrived at camp, I was very bored. I can't imagine how I could run around the whole place and conduct ATC enthusiatically previously. But the last time I've been to Area camp is already 2 years back, and it was still at the mini old place. Think it was last year or the year before when Danping went to the last NYGH atc with her best friend, but I was busy. Really felt a generation gap with the CIs there now, as most of them from Area 15 are brand new (from the last few batches and thus 4 or 5 years younger than me) and I didn't feel like making friends that night. Couldn't believe that I went to the bunk and fell asleep like the other officers. One good thing about the new campsite is the bunks and you can always hide inside and slack without telling the whole world. Was glad to see Tiancai there, and he welcomed me with food and drink although he was complaining about my area the whole time. The next day was really surprised and happy to see Casey at the campsite too, but it was already at the end of the day and I was about the leave the place. Had 6 rotations of kayaking activities in 9 hours, I felt like a radio and was really tired repeating the same old things to the cadets.

The wait
Not particulary waiting for phone calls, but thought that he might try to contact me once he settled down at US. Figured out that he was still flying when I'm already in camp for ATC, but had the phone with me the whole time. The next day have to leave my phone in the bunk when kayaking and almost forgot all about it till half of the lunch break had finished. There was a few missed calls and 2 were w/o numbers, so it might be from overseas. Really wanted to kick myself as the last one was only 2 minutes before I checked on my phone..sigh. Had my phone with me till I needed to go into the water but no more calls came in. Had a hunch that it must be phone calls from US. Rushed to check on my phone again when the next activity cycle is over at 3pm and there were two more missed calls w/o numbers, at 12 plus and 1 plus.. Sigh, really no fate, that was what my friend tried to "console" me. =P After that, I figured out that it's already wee hours at US side, so no more calls and I got out of camp that evening. Slept all the way from one end of 969 to the other end, was too tired to alight from the bus along the way. I got home and was already in bed when the phone rang. Finally man, was so glad to hear from him from the other side of the phone. Hahaha..although reception wasn't very good and had to call back a few times but I was happy, at least he survived the long plane ride and also haven't forgot all about me. =) The time where he's now is around 15 hours slower, so it's quite strange when speaking in different time zones, it was only 6.30am of Sat morning for him when he called. Oh a call from him again this afternoon, happy yo..=)

Dum dum
Dum dum is a grass monster that Hock Sui bought for me last Friday. It had started to sprout grasses today. Hmm..maybe will show you how it looks like later on, because now there's little bits of hair coming out and it's still a bit ugly..hee hee.. Yesterday came back from ATC and remembered that I was late in letting it drink water, so soaked it in the kitchen.. but I dozed off soon after that. Think Mum saw it swimming around in the tub when she came back and fished it out for me. I guess the swim did it some good as grasses started to come out today. =) Hopefully it's not going to die too soon!

词:曾郁婷 曲:JAY

有谁能比我知道 你的温柔像羽毛
秘密躺在我怀抱 只有你能听得到
还有没有人知道 你的微笑像拥抱
多想藏着你的好 只有我看得到
站在屋顶只对风说 不想被左右
本来讨厌下雨的天空 直到听见有人说爱我
坐在电影院的二楼 看人群走过
怎么那一天的我们 都默默的微笑很久
我想我是太过依赖 在挂电话的刚才
坚持学单纯的小孩 静静看守这份爱
知道不能太依赖 怕你会把我宠坏
你的香味一直徘徊 我舍不得离开

Yeah..chinese words are back after blogger changed its templete, all thanks to Xien! Hee hee.. this song is my favourite in Jay's new 叶惠美. 你听得到.. 你听得到..

Friday, August 15, 2003

Sigh.. It's really a commodity that we put up a fight to find, grapple to gain, struggle to control and fail to manage. Sad isn't it? Sometimes we even wish that time will pass slowly (during good times) or fly past in our lives (when bored? exam period?) I dunno, but I hope that I'm making good use of my time while I'm still young. But I guess, one good thing about time is that it's the only thing in this world that's really fair, and everyone can only have just that 24 hours. If its other things like wealth, beauty, intelligence, or just pure luck...then it's a different story. Life is fair.. god is fair..

Anyway, I'm going Sentosa this sat!'s really lucky lately. Just been to Night Safari and Zoo, and now can go Sentosa to play... Yeah! I'm really glad that after so many months, finally we have the chance to spend a memorable day celebrating our monthly anniversary. Previously was just busy with our exams, studies, convocation etc.. and to think that next mth we won't be able to meet up at all, it's still quite a good deal yah? hahaha.. =)

Time is really a commodity that's hard to come by..

Thursday, August 14, 2003

Did you know?
Did you know that "One United People" beat its predecessors to become the most easily remembered national song? Songs for Singapore were first commissioned in 1984, beginning with "Stand Up for Singapore."

Went for my first pedicure today, figured out that I had spent hundreds of money on my hair, some money on my eyebrows and quite an amount on my face but had been neglecting my poor feet. Hee hee.. Aileen say that I'm starting to behave like a 'tai tai', it's really a luxury kind of thing but I just enjoy spending my money in this manner. Sighs..that explains why I'm always broke. =P First of all, the person brought a big tub of water to soak my feet, there's this milky moisturizing lotion which was dissolved in the water (supposed to make the skin better), and the tub got a massaging effect as the bottom of it was vibrating the whole time. Then she used a scrub and lotion on my legs, removed the deadskin on my feet, filed my toenails, trimmed the cuticles and finally painted them very nicely! I think the whole process took up more than an hour, but I'm quite satisfied at the end as I can never be bothered to take the time to paint my nails, it's really a hassle to get it done nicely. Can't help admiring my feet on my way home..hahaha.. Was trying to imagine the situation if the customers got very stinky feet with disgusting dirt at the toes, then the poor girls there still have to do their jobs, yucks!

The person who was serving me was saying that my toenails were in bad condition, chipping off and peeling etc. Luckily she didn't ask me why my legs are in different colours. Hmm.. Its the same as the times when I go to the salon, the hairdressers will start commenting on how dry my hair is, lots of split ends etc. Sounds like it's really in very bad condition, but I can't be bothered as I think actually I still look quite human, and it's all a marketing gimmick!! Yah, I'm trying to console myself and to prevent myself from falling into the trap. In the market, I'm really amazed at the range of products they can actually come up with just for hair, face, skin etc. I think if I indulge in everything, two things will happen:

1. I'll be super broke, unless I'm really rich.
2. I'll take up the whole day to finish applying this and that everyday.

So the conclusion is that all these are for those rich 'Tai tai' who got money to spend and nothing better to do, or for those super paranoid people. Which reminds me of a friend from JC who really took a long time whenever we went to Guardian pharmacy. She looked at the products on the shelves and started thinking that she got many flaws all over her body, even 'wrinkle-preventing' cream caught her attention. Goodness...and we were only 18.

Loneliness can kill, but it's all a perception to me. From what I see, everyone can be lonely from one point of time or another, but it's just whether you think you are lonely or not. So it's just a physical lonely or psychological lonely kind of thing. Get it? Hmm, have been thinking about this for a while lately, I think I enjoy loneliness, but realised a lot of people are very scared of it. Some of my friends complain about loneliness all the time, or just seek friends to accompany them for meals. But I prefer to eat alone, am I weird or something? Most of the time in my daily living, I don't get to meet people that I know except during weekends. Everyday, all the people that I get to talk to are my tutees, or the person who serve me when I buy things. And I don't like to chat with people whom I dunno well, don't chit chat unnecessarily with my tutees (maybe it's their age) too, I just daydream while they're working on their stuff. And I hate to entertain acquaintances on the phone. I think the time when I 'talk' the most is in ICQ.. as for that, I don't really mind. Everyone say that people will feel lonely when they aged, I can dream of myself living in a small cottage faraway from everyone else. (Maybe not in Sg, it's too small to be faraway from people) Will I feel lonely by then?

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Woke up with a throat infection and I sound really horrible now.. Sigh. Supposed to have an interview this morning but I don't think I can't even speak now, so decided to rest at home instead..heee..=P I'm quite glad to get more sleep even though last night I had prepared a nice set of clothes with skirt, jacket and proper shoes to be worn today (seeked opinions from my image consultant and borrowed everything from her). A few days ago I was having flu when visiting the zoo, and thought that I had recovered quite fast.. guess the virus is taking its own sweet time to infect me slowly. Usually I'm quite grouchy and upset when I'm sick, but today I'm in fact quite happy.. relieved from the thoughts of another interview. Hee, I'm really slack.

Mum's nagging at me to go and visit a doctor, the burning sensation is really uncomfortable, and I don't even sound human now..

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Home Run
I liked the show. Watched it twice just over three days' time. The first time is on National Day after watching NDP at Hock Sui's hall, we went to watch the mid-night show at Sun plaza. It's full of 'puns' and sarcastic remarks about the political issues between Singapore and M'sia. It's a serious thing actually, but I think that it's ironically funny. Critiques of it mentioned that the storyline of the show is jeopardized by the onset of these issues, but I think that it's reflecting the society really well. I don't like to watch a highly dramatic and teary movies since it'll make me very impatient, and I don't like those super crappy types as well. This is just nice for me, it touched me enough to think about the themes behind it..but not trying to cheat me of my tears. Today is the second time I'm watching the show, it's really a super good buy as it's FOC, sponsored by Hock Sui's TIP senior. Hee hee.. It's a movie that I don't mind having a rerun. Although it didn't touch me as much this time, the jokes were still quite fresh. Was in the toilet after the show just now, and heard two girls in the late teens debating about the movie.

"I think the show was about M'sia right?"-Girl A
"No, it's shot in M'sia but it's about Singapore."-Girl B
"Huh? I thought people told me it's about M'sia.."-Girl A
"No? It was mentioned in the beginning that the setting is in Singapore.."-Girl B

I think they totally missed the parts where Jack Neo was OBVIOUSLY making the fun out of the recent tension between Sg and M'sia, and that's the best part of the movie for me, sigh.. Singaporeans.

National Day
Spent first half of the day tuitioning, and was quite put off by the fact that I didn't know my own plans for the day. I seemed to be wanted at all places but none of it appeals to me. My parents were at home which is a rare thing, and Casey msged me early in the morning to ask if I want to watch NDP at her place, and then Danping offered me two tickets to go watch NDP at stadium. Sigh..and the young pple were asking me to go Esplanade watch fireworks. Felt flustered when I didn't know which 'package' to take up, the only good thing was that I have a lot of options. But luckily Hock Sui came back, and finally I decided to go with the original plans instead..hahahha. Yeah, I think it was well spent. Had a quiet time this year but it's a nice change. Read Danping's blog, glad for her that she had a great time at the stadium with her man, lucky girl. =)

Had decided to go back NUS to do a few things today. Meet up with Elissa, then maybe jio Danping out for 'teh' at engine, and also grab a copy of the NUSSU diary, probably I can use the photocopiers at the library as well! =) It's the first day of school, frankly speaking I really missed being a student. I remembered that I'm always looking forward to the first semester after the boring 3 mths long semester break. But of course, now I'm no longer looking forward to go back as I have no need to go back. Danping happened to have a really long lunch break today and we were enjoying the air con at the engine while talking crappy stuff. Feel quite sorry to get a mail from her informing us about her disgust over the 4 hours lab from 5pm-9pm each Wed. Hahahhaa... that's really unfortunate for her. I think she was really dreading the reopening of school this sem. As for Miss Giam, I didn't hear from her over the whole weekend but roughly I'm expecting her to have a busy one so I'm keeping out of her way. I know that she is probably on a neurotic mode again, will hear loads from her when she's in the correct mode again. Got a call from her on my way home just now, and she wanted me to call her back urgently but not tonight as she's really drained out. Sigh..strange strange woman.

So late already, time for me to zzZZ..

Saturday, August 09, 2003

My boy boy went home tonight...=P

Just now typed a really long post.. but dunno what stupid key I've pressed accidentally and it's all gone.. sheesh..

Was wondering what to do tomorrow.. Think I'll go Esplanade to watch fireworks with the young people if Hock Sui is not back tmr. Dunno them so well, but don't really mind their company too. Sometimes also find it enjoyable to mix around with the younger lots, think I'm someone who can 'clique' well with the young ones but I tend to shun people who are older and higher in status as they intimidates me, if you get what I mean. No news from my older friends yet, anyway. As for Sunday, had wanted to go zoo. Realised that these few weeks, my time was really burnt with either tuition or kayaking, missed out on a lot of gatherings with the non-Changi friends. Just now was talking to Shijian, then he said that recently they had a gathering at 'Ai Qin Hai' and Teck Wee, Huiquan, Ryan, Woon woon were all there. Knew about the outing but realised that I went Night Safari that night so didn't go in the end, and it's a long time since I last see them already... so feel that I should show up after MIA for so long. Ever since Ryan went into NS, haven't been able to meet up with him even though he had been attending some of the weekend gatherings (which I've missed). Maybe really more motivated to go to club after I've passed my coaching one, and there's good company there. Think it's the fish and bear's paw thingie.. But I'm glad that more of my friends are very motivated to pick up kayaking recently. In a dilemma now, think maybe I should be more hardworking and go practice skills this Sunday instead. Sigh.. think I'll decide tomorrow according to my mood.

Thursday, August 07, 2003

Haven't blog for a week..

Woke up at 1pm this afternoon..yawn! Was up late last night scanning photos of the genting trip and my convocation photos to post up to the smartgroups, and ended up sleeping at 4am. When I woke up, there's nobody around the house and it's pouring outside, so happy to have the whole house for myself. Great..

Just called up the club to find out about the one star course. Edwin had been trying to organise a trip to the zoo and I had meant to give him my support but I forgot all about it a few weeks ago and signed up for one star course this sun and the next. And also, next weekend I'm intend to clear away all my tuitions and all other things to keep myself free, so really need the Sunday off. Wanted to look for Erik to ask for the retrenchment like what Danping had suggested, but he's on leave today and I had to talk to Meng Teck instead. Initially was reluctant to tell him just in case he'll kill me for canceling my name last minute, but luckily there's insufficient participants for the course so he was glad to let me off too. Lucky yo.. And now I'm very happy, I'm going to the zoo! And next weekend can go and play also..hee hee.. I'm going to the zoo, zoo zoo.. How about you, you you..?

Last Sunday, we went for the charity swim event escorting the swimmers. Didn't expect it to be such a big thing, but there was media coverage and everything. Hock Sui told me that Giam and Wu appeared in the footage for the news, but I was too lazy to download Quicktime so didn't get to see it. Yesterday when I met up with Danping, told her all about it and she said that she didn't see the news but she saw my face in the 'Zaobao' newspaper, just inside the front cover page. She expected someone to tell me about it, or maybe I would have read about it since I have 'Zaobao' at home. But when I came home to look for the newspaper, all the rest of the Monday newspaper was intact except for the front cover. It was already torn out by someone in the house, probably to wrap some rubbish. Sheesh.. just can't imagine how lucky I can be sometimes.. as all the rest of the newspaper for this week are still intact. It's just that very page that's missing!

Yesterday, Yingzhi invited us to meet up as she had baked some cheesecake and want to share the fats with us. It's really unexpected as she's the last person among us to jio people to meet up, but I was glad as yesterday evening is the only day which I'm free for the week. It was really a nice thing to do, to consume fats and talk about crappy things. After she went off for training, Danping and I went shopping at Far East. We met Lai mun on our way there, and she was shopping with her colleagues, she looked happier than all the recent times I saw her at the club. Anyway, I was trying to look for a handphone accessory thingie at Far East and Danping was enthusiatically helping me to look around for it. We combed all the shops at the basement and thought that it was very likely to turn up somewhere. There were many close calls as we found similar designs but not what I wanted, so sad.. Nevertheless I was still very grateful for her helpfulness as I felt really tired and the shops were all closing when we left. Better luck next time. =P Sigh, Miss Giam sounded like she's really in a dump these few weeks, I really feel very sorry for her. But sad to say, find that I really can't help her except for listening to all her woes. While we were enjoying our cheesecake, she called Danping to tell her about her stupid meanie boss who made her cried yesterday. And the day before too. What a lousy job, but she's stuck in it as her boss had persuaded her to stay. Can't imagine. If I were her, I would have burn down the office long ago, and I can also imagine a thousand horrible things that I would have done to the boss.

Thursday, July 31, 2003

I've got nothing to do now.. I've got nothing to do now.. I've got nothing to do now..

Okay, so I blog! Have been downloading photoshop for the past one hour or so and it's only 70% done.. I had dozed off on my bed for awhile just now and it's still downloading. But anyway, my laptop is back and it's working with a new C drive and a new keyboard, luckily Xiaoxing is still alive and kicking after the major operation. Yeah! =)

I forgot to blog about the Night Safari trip after the mangrove event. It's not a Reeaaaaaalll fantastic attraction but I really enjoyed it.. hee hee, so fun... at least it's something new for me. =P It's been there for years but just didn't have the chance to go. But anyway, I think my idea of fun is getting simpler nowadays, even the genting trips had been fun for me. Wahhahaa, maybe I'm that bored. It was quite crowded on Sat night and so we explored a few places on foot, then took a ride round the other half of the Night Safari on the tram. The best part was that the rangers wasn't looking when we reached the main station so we sneaked to the back and got up the tram for another free ride..heeheee.. yep, really clever of us. =)

Had been thinking of doing so many things lately, maybe I should call this daydreaming instead. Had made plans with Aileen to save up $3k/$4k in the next few mths and then we go for backpacking at the end of the year, maybe going to Europe or some other places. Sounds really exciting, there's so many places that I want to go. I think it's an achievable dream but just realised that I'm going nowhere this Dec except for Ramunia. Sigh.. Then, I also thought of visiting Wendy at Bintan for a short, relaxed holiday as she was really excited when Nicole and Alan went to visit her. Received a mail from her telling us about their trip a few days ago, its been a long time since she emailed us, and now she have a new found boyfriend over there. =) Next, I've also thought of getting a small classy tattoo, that will be real cool.. and I had even imagined what the design should be like. Maybe I will have the tattoo somewhere on my lower back just for fun, so I'm the only one who can admire it. Something like Faye Wong and Nicolas Tse..=P Hahaha.. Cool.. And I also want to learn riding once I've gotten my driving license. I know that if I do all the above four things, Mum will probably slaughter me alive. But it's still possible I'll do it, and maybe let her know about one or two of my plans.. especially the trips. It will be quite obvious if I'm away from my house for a few weeks. But anyway... just plans and plans, I still need the $$$! Oh yah, Jay's newest album is already waiting for me on the shelves. Oh well, guess it'll be next week before I can get a copy of it.

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Went mangrove expedition with the madcaps yesterday. Initally wasn't too keen about it but couldn't resist the enthusiastic invitiation from people like Lance and Wilson. Only decided to go around 1am in the morning, packed and went to sleep immediately.

Met Wilson, Zhihao and Darren in the morn to take a cab from AMK at 8.30am and we planned to go for breakfast when we reached Changi. So I didn't eat anything before leaving the house, it was a terrible mistake. Darren was disgustingly late. And by the time we reached the club, we had to prepare ourselves for launching so that we wont miss the high tide in the mangroves. Zhihao was the only clever one who had his breakfast, but he was really pissed with Darren for being late for half an hour. He's a super time conscious person and I'm already quite scared of him when I'm late for ten minutes from past experiences, so he was literally fuming when Darren finally appeared. I was so thankful that I was on time.

The next 'clever' thing that I did was to unsuspectingly follow everyone else and draw a dancer. I'm sure that I wasn't the only one who thought otherwise but Zhihao told me that it will make the whole thing more challenging. I didn't realise that what he said was more than an understatement. At the end of the whole thing, everyone told me that it was their first expedition to ubin in dancer too. But worse for me, as I didn't go through 2 star or 3 star courses, so didn't use dancer to go anywhere before. It was like a long lost friend for me, and yest was only the fourth time I sit inside the dancer for the past two years or so. Just after the first ten minutes, we crossed channel to go over ubin and I was already starting to get seasick..on an empty stomach. Horrible feeling at that point of time, but once the initial 'adventure' was over, everything just got better for me. Well, I still had my luck in one thing. Everyone else was going at a leisurely pace, then I just need to pia all the way just to keep up. My poor arms... they're very unfortunate as I didn't dare to give them any rest till it was break time. Suddenly, SIE seemed like a piece of cake, and I think I was really using double the effort I've used for SIE.

I was really happier when we reached the mangrove, as the condition of the water was much better there, and the tide would just bring us along. Finally I had the time to catch my breath, paddle at a more leisurely place and enjoy the scenery! The mangrove opening was at the end of noordin and it cuts through ubin to the jetty side. We went holland once as all the branches looked very similar and sometimes Lance (who was leading the exp) couldn't decide where to go. But the rest of the journey was successful. The only good thing about the dumb dancer was that we could drag the kayak across the landing and then go down the mud like a slide. Luckily ah teck wasn't around to see how we handled it. =P There was a bridge at the West side of ubin which we had to cross underneath, that was the really fun part. Staff Erik had to take off his buoyancy vest to prevent himself from getting stucked inside as the tide was still high and the opening was very minimum. Everyone was already complaining about their hunger when we reached that part, especially Darren. I was really cursing him over and over as my stomach was growling the whole time although I didn't have the energy left to complain. I was secretly very happy when a vicious fly chased after him in the swamp and bit him many times. Hee hee.. I think he was really my worst enemy at the club now, suddenly Tan LiangPing just seemed so much sweeter, harmless and nicer than him.

We took some time to practice our skills when we got back to club as the journey back was less than an hour. The club 'boys' were all doing their hand rolls, hee hee.. they really CMI!! So I discreetly go to one corner at the back of the sea to practice the humble eskimo. =P Really felt very achieved at the end of the day, much happier as compared to the demoralising practice on Sunday...

Saturday, July 26, 2003 My 'ENTER' key is working tonight, so I'm finally back to update my blog about the past days' activities, otherwise my blog will go on and on with no paragraphing. =P

Guess what? I specially took a trip to NUS to repair my Xiaoxing yesterday, because of the unworkable keys, but mysteriously everything was working perfectly when I reached the NEC comp center. The woman was really looking at me with the questioning kind of face like I was trying to be funny. Finally, she got nothing much that she could help with so she just opened up the keyboard to dust it. Yah, that's not the end of the story, I came home last night and all the keys are not working again!! Even someone with the patience like me really felt like tearing my hair out and I keep hitting the keyboard with frustration. And now it's working again.. I think it really depends on Xiaoxing's mood nowadays.. Sigh..

Yep, tonight I'm in a really happy mood as no marathon tuitions for me tomorrow! Initally, thought that will be having KOP so canceled all tuitioning for tmr, and now I don't feel like resuming my lessons, I'm going to visit Night Safari instead! Yeah! Really happy..=) I can go and scare away all the nocturnal lions and tigers.. this weekend is really going to be much better than the last. Looking forward.. Just now went to take the new NE line and realised that it's quite fantastic, we can see the tunnel from the front window!! Hmm..a bit swa ku, but it's really interesting..

That night we had our hen party; intended to go Centro to take a look, BUT my good friends Aileen and Yingzhi couldn't go in with their slippers, and we walked all the way to Mohd Sultan to pub hop instead. Took the weekday NR home and it's really cosy, initially we were worried that there wasn't any NR but actually they've downsized the buses, that's why we didn't notice their existence. Had a good chat with Danping on the way back, but I wasn't familiar with the route (thought that it'll head straight to woodlands) and alighted at the bus-stop further away from home. According to Danping, it did turn into Sembawang after that, and I really regretted as I was all jittery during the walk home. I had many experiences of walking that path as late as midnight before, but I always tried to do it as fast as I could, it always gave me the feeling that someone could just follow and mug me from behind or something. The idea of walking through the quiet and dark park is really unsafe at 3am in the morning. I only took around 10 minutes to reach my block, and I think I would have make myself run all the way home if I wore track shoes.

To add on to Miss Giam mis-used words:
-Once bitten, twice 'shine'
-'Close your toes' (instead of cross your fingers) It's hilarious, but after reading her email with lots of broken English, I'm beginning to feel that I'm really good at interpreting her messages no matter how broken her email is. Used to it, used to it..

Alright, last piece of update, I had started on my project 'Y', and hope it'll be completed on time! =)

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Yeah..SIE photo, finally got rid of the extra Tan Liang Ping..hee hee..=)
Forbes Research Pte Ltd
Job Title Research Executive
Location Anson Road
Date Posted Friday, July 11, 2003


Typical duties of an RE include meeting clients to identify the research problem, designing questionnaire, performing statistical analysis using SPSS, writing report and making presentations using PowerPoint. People who do well as a researcher are strong in both numerical and written language skills. They also tend to be analytical and highly critical in thought.


Candidates must have a Merit or Honours degree in Business, Statistics, Psychology or Social Science.

Good knowledge of SPSS is essential for the position.

Distinctions in GCE 'O' or 'A' Level in English and or General Paper are much preferred.

Those who have done market research courses will have an advantage.

Applicants should be Singaporean citizens or hold relevant residence status.

Fresh graduates / Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.

2 Full-Time positions available.

Hmm, I surfed into NUS ejob centre one fine day last week to see how's the job market is like and then I just 'happened' to send in my resume for quite a few jobs which I think I fitted the given requirements. The ejob service is one which you can just upload your resume and then apply for as many jobs as you wish. Everything is just a click away, yeah! I think I just wanted to see what will happen after that, and I had been happily clicking away for quite sometime already..heee. And then for this particular job, the Forbes director emailed me to ask for my O level English and GP results (hmm..don't think it's considered distinctions, isn't it?) I gave them the information and indicated that my SPSS knowledge is basic and I thought that it would be the end of what I'll hear from them. By right, I should be glad to know that at least they've shortlisted me for an interview, but I'm really quite apprehensive about it. I hate interviews! I think I really lack the eloquence, actually I don't even like to talk to people. I'm anti social. Sigh..looking on the bright side, at least this will be the start of the 20 interviews which I'll flunk before I land myself a job next year (hopefully!). Yah, it's a good start, and this is ironic actually; I'm not sure if I'm being optimisitic or pessimistic now. Heheh..maybe I should make it into a fun and interesting 'outing' for myself to gain some exposure...=P Now I'm really quite anxious as I think they'll test me on SPSS which I've long forgotten how to get it running after passing my stats II like more than a year ago.. Yah, I bet my blog will get to hear from me soon..=)

Saturday, July 19, 2003

Today, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and everything seemed to go very wrong!!! &*$##@ Argghh.. felt so frustrated, but luckily it's only left an hour to go till this day end and nothing can go wrong again. Was really cursing and felt so sian at the beginning of the day.. Ever since my convocation day, the past few days that I had always started quite badly as I'm always running very late every morning (actually it was already afternoons). I was really determine to sleep earlier last night as I'm having the sucky marathon tuitioning today... Guess what? I was awoken by the thunder and lightning in the middle of the night (around 5 am??), then I went to the kitchen for a cup of water and then stared at the ceiling till my room turned bright slowly. Sigh... both my alarm clocks were screaming alternately when I finally dozed off. Suddenly feel so unmotivated about the kayaking tmr, I want to sleep in!! Yeah..looking forward to Monday morning.. The good thing is that I always feel much more happier during the weekdays, on the contrary to everybody else, and the weekdays are relatively longer than weekends, phew!

I think it's really the tuitions that's draining me off and leading my mood astray. Or maybe it just happened to be these two weeks that I'm in a really bad mood after the whole day. It's really bad, as it's Sat night and pple are going out to have fun while I'm mopping away. The good thing is that I went town to meet up with Yingzhi after her convocation and Aileen for dinner, really long time nver see them. Very happy shopping away after that, and I realised that I'm so free nowadays yet haven't been in town for the past one month! Didn't even know that Metro at Far East had now converted to many shops and it's even more unbelivable that I saw many many things that I would liked to buy. It's so affordable that we really can't restrain ourselves from spending, but luckily I'm really tired and not in the proper shopping mood, so we headed for home very early. Even so, I still managed to buy a new top and saw many more that I've decided that I'll go back and get them when I'm more prosperous.. (Erm, if that day ever come). We have this wonderful idea to save up during these few mths and go backpacking at the end of the year, it's really my dream since I'm not really keen to get a job so soon. Managed to get the two of them really interested about it..hee hee.. so glad to find slacking kakis to play with me. It's actually quite bad of me to use them as backups (=P) as Miss Giam had found internship and will be busy from now on, Miss Wu will also be starting lessons in a few weeks' time while Mr Lua will fly away a mth later. And meanwhile I'm still trying to cultivate mould on myself.. so I'm trying to recruit potential slackers on my side.

Thursday, July 17, 2003

It's been a tiring but really fun day, took a lot of photos. So glad to have family, friends and my boy boy with me.. it was a really happy occasion.. =) Was surprised that so many of them turned up to shake my hand and just be there for me. Really touched...Saw many friends that I've known from NUS and even made a new friend (was chit chatting with the graduate sitting next to me..heee) Yeah, now I can tell everyone that I'm a degree holder!

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Oh my.. this is really very 'Jie Lun', even with the lyrics, I also dunno which part he's singing..=P And the new album is named after his mum..


以父之名( In the Names of the Father )
词:黄俊郎 曲:周杰伦

微凉的晨露 沾湿黑礼服 石板路有雾 父在低诉
无奈的觉悟 只能更残酷 一切都为了 通往圣堂的路
吹不散的雾 隐没了意图 谁轻柔踱步 停住
还来不及哭 穿过的子弹 就带走 温度

我们每个人都有罪 犯着不同的罪 我能决定谁对 谁又该要沈睡
争论不能解决 在永无止境的夜
关掉你的嘴 唯一的恩惠
挡在前面的人都有罪 后悔也无路可退 以父之名判决
那感觉没有适合字 就像边笑边掉泪 凝视着完全的黑

低头亲吻我的左手 换取被宽恕的承诺
老旧管风琴在角落 一直一直一直伴奏
黑色帘幕被风吹动阳光无言的穿透 洒向那群被我驯服后的 兽
沉默的喊叫 沉默的喊叫 孤单开始发酵 不停对着我嘲笑 回忆逐渐延烧
曾经纯真的画面 残忍的温柔出现 脆弱时间到 我们一起来祷告

仁慈的父我已坠入 看不见罪的国度 请原谅我的自负
没人能说没人可说 好难承受 荣耀的背后刻着一道孤独

闭上双眼我又看见 当年那梦的画面 天空是?�?鞯奈�
父亲牵着我的双手 轻轻走过 清晨那安安静静的石板路

那斑驳的家徽 我擦拭了一夜 孤独的光辉 我才懂的感觉
烛光 不 不 停的 摇晃 猫头鹰在 窗棂上 对着远方眺望
通向 大厅的长廊 一样 说不出的沧桑
没有喧嚣 只有宁静围绕 我 慢慢睡着 天 刚刚破晓