Monday, December 15, 2003

Festive seasons
I can smell it in the air, the festive 'smell' that announcing Christmas is coming, the air is cooler and everyone is in the partying mood. Every year, I had been looking forward to this time of the year when Christmas is so near and the New Year and CNY coming soon after that. We have lots of countdowns and parties organized, firework watching and so on. Maybe its just me, and there's no such thing as the festive smell but whenever the weather turned cooler, I just feel so excited that Christmas is coming. Its just the atmosphere in the air and the decorations that I see everywhere. For the previous five years, I had been celebrating Christmas the same way (countdown with the CI course committee), but I'm wondering whether there's any changes to my plans this year. Hmm… the crowd is getting younger and I'm growing out of it and also, I've to see whether Hock Sui has any plans. Hadn't been bothering much about the new year in the past, just looking forward to go back to school. But this year it seemed that I'm rather dreading the arrival of 2004 as this year seems to be quite uncompleted and unaccomplished. There had been lots of good times and bad times this year. Obviously the completion of my studies is both good and bad, I just have the feeling that I can't go on to the next year without having found something that I like to do. The past six months gave me an empty feeling, like this year hadn't been achieving and doing as much as previously. Everyone (family, closed friends and Hock Sui) had been encouraging me to find something to do soon, I'm glad for their positive support but feel quite sorry that this had been dragging on for such a long time. Sigh.. I had also lost track on what other things I can do to salvage the situation, but hopefully I can get out of this soon.

Had a long week behind me as I was down with flu, cough and sore throat.. each of them are taking turns to had their toil on me. Recovered from flu to be followed by sore throat, then cough and now I'm having flu again. Argghh.. the ATC that I had was the slackest I ever had as I was sick the whole time and spent lots of time sleeping in the bunk. I'm still feeling quite weak and need a lot of sleep right now. Finally get to attend the campfire since I had missed it the last two courses but sad to say, it was held in the canteen due to endless rain on Ubin.

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