Saturday, May 09, 2020

A week of school hols (May hols for the first time in my life)

There's actually many things I've wanted to blog about the past week but I got too busy and kind of lazy. I continued my zoom workouts with friends and today is the 9th consecutive day I'm doing it. Even when one of the days I missed the workout with the group, I made it up on my own at night. It's kind of addictive and I feel stronger and fitter after putting in one hour a day! I've stopped running or walking the past week, initially I thought I could do both but eventually my body feels tired and I was sleepy/hungry after the workout at home.

Last Sunday when we had the biggest turnout
I'm following the Chloe Ting's workout and I'm kind of addicted to her workouts and Youtube channel at the moment. We tried to switch thing out by mixing in some other workouts like dance etc but that did not work out too well. Her workouts are easy to follow, she has a great personality and I love her lean body and nice attire! I realised that this girl is so real and candid and not the perfect barbie doll kind of Youtuber once I started watching more of her videos. Wendy introduced this lady to us although I've not heard of her prior to this, but apparently millions of people just started subscribing to her channel during this COVID period. I'm glad we have a good and healthy routine to follow now, its easier to get going compared to jogging outside right now.

My TM2020 running package
This came by DHL delivery on 1st May 2020, I was one of the lucky ones who received it pretty early even though I saw many people posting it on the offical FB page already. I'm impressed the delivery reached me on a PH and a few days earlier than what they stated in the email. I'm happy to receved these items which the organisers had sent to us at no additional cost. I love the good quality and fluffy towel and the well designed T-shirt by Asics. Everything was in the box except the medal and race experience. By the end of this month, we will be given a choice and to register our option to defer to 2021/2022. I had not made up my mind honestly, a part of me want to quickly get this over with next year but there are many talks about how COVID-19 might affect us all the way till end 2021. I really dont know...

Keto style breakfast

IF and breaking fast with cauliflower porridge

Other than exercising, I'm also trying to be cleaner in my diet and resumed keto/ dirty keto & IF the past one week. I still cheat sometimes by eating my peanut butter M&M's and some mouthful of rice here and then, but for the most part I'm trying to keep to it so as not to waste my efforts doing those workouts. Everyone is gorging and eating lots during this COVID period but I'm determined to stay healthy and fit. This special holidays given to us without traveling is the best time for me to do this. I think my weight during the March holidays and the start of HBL was just 56kg and now I'm slightly more than that, but I'm not worrying too much as I'm building up my muscles again.

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