Monday, May 11, 2020

Another weekend, another fruitful day... Happy Mother's Day 2020

Today is quite a fruitful day, most of the days I'm just zooming with my students and then do my zoom workouts with the kakis. But today, I specially woke up early as we are having a family chat on ZOOM to celebrate Mother's Day. Of course this is the first time we cannot get together for the family dinner or luncheon and we meet up virtually and remotely. At least my sis and ex BIL can join us from US.

Oh yah special mention from the ZOOM screenshot below, P helped me cut my bangs a few days ago. For most couples, it's the other way round during this period but he wouldn't let me touch his hair lolx.

Our family zoom

My keto muah chee
Break fast with these
After the family zoom chat, I was inspired to do keto muah chee and I set off to work on those. It was hard work for me as I only have black sesame seeds and not the powder. So I had to religiously chomp them down into the powder form and that took me a long time, and it was a back breaking chore. I wanted to break fast earlier as I need to do my workout at 330pm since it is tuition day. But after all the work, I could only break fast after 2pm. This is the second time I'm making those keto muah chee and it tasted better when I made a smaller batch and ate them immediately instead of plating them nicely.

I was sleepy but I only had a 15 min shuteye and got up to prepare for my workout. After workout there was just enough time to shower and got ready for my 2h tuition session. And after tuition, I spent almost an hour preparing cauliflower rice arroz caldo for my dinner, and it tasted really good. I washed up, cleaned the house and prepared for next week's lessons for my two classes. I'm glad I'm done everything on my to-do list for today and now it's time to relax and update my blog. Yippie!

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