Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Went to Xiaxue's blog just now and was surprised to see a full entry in Chinese, much longer than any of those that I had happened to blog on this site. I think I saw the same entry last night but it was full of '????' with no words, I tried switching the encoding around, trying to decode it but still couldn't read what she wrote. I thought to myself: "Xiaxue can't be blogging in Chinese, maybe this is something creative she had came up with??" and left it as that.

Hahaahaa...but she really had done it, much to my surprise! It's not easy to blog in Chinese in a candid manner as the language is basically more formal, so it really tickles me when she kept referring to herself as '老娘'. Heehee.. I must say that her command of the language is really not bad, definitely someone who is effectively bilingual. Wow...

Well, today one of my lecturers was mentioning that it's sad when even Chinese teachers like us are not reading Chinese newspapers, or type our sms in Chinese. Hmm.. in his words: "如果连华文老师们都不看华文报了,还有谁看华文报呢?"

I think if the same lecturer know something about blog, he would have advice us to type chinese text in our blogs too.. heeheee. I must admit that I don't type sms, neither do I blog in Chinese because the main purpose of language is for communication, therefor it depends on the targeted audience. 不瞒大家,其实我的华文水准不高,现在只是混口饭吃罢了。See, how modest I am!

Actually, the only person I do sms Chinese text to is my mum, as that's how she communicate with me.

I think the thing with language is quite tricky, sometimes we do get quite used with one mode of communication over another. I remembered that when I just got out of NY, I felt the culture shock when I realised that not everyone converse in Chinese in like what we used to do, so I always switch when I speak to different people. Ah..the art of socializing..

Hmm, better not digress too much.. heehee, I better get on with my reports!! But I suddenly had the idea if famous bloggers all start blogging in Chinese, then maybe it's one way to promote the language. Right? Okay okay, I think too much liao.. =P

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