Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Rainy daze...

The rainy season seems to be early this year, it had been raining almost every afternoon/evening last week, and now while I'm safely back under the roof of my room, I can hear the rain "patter..patter..patter" outside. The sky had been greyish all day, it was only bright and sunny in the morning and when come afternoon, there was a huge downpour, complete with howling wind. I was lucky though, to be in school all these times until the rain god was taking a break right after I finished my day, and I quickly rushed back. Lucky yo, all through last week and this week I hadn't been caught in the rain..

It must be strange for me to be blogging about this, but I do have a love-hate relationship with the rain. It seems to be an annoucement that we're nearer to the end of the year, and nearer to Christmas. If I'm out and the weather is cold and dowdy, I'll hate the dampness and I'll hate it as the world seems to become sad and moody. Dunno? Maybe the weather does affect people. Speaking of which, I seemed to noticed that teachers in the afternoon sessions shout and scream at the kids more often then those in the morning session.. maybe it's due to the hot weather? Probably its a good thing that all schools are converting to partial single session by next year.. Hahahha...

Okay, I'm digressing. Back to the rain, whenever it's raining during the late afternoons and evenings and I'm at home, I'll cherish the chance to laze around, and I appreciate it a lot. It tend to remind me of many things that I used to do during holidays in December, and to think of it now, I do missed all those things. I always associate rain with December and the Christmas season etc.. therefore I have all these fond memories. It reminds me of CI course, and camping, or hiking in the rain during my past years of youth. It remind me of Christmas celebrations that I'll always have with my friends. I look forward to Christmas, and the end of the year, and the holidays when the rain is here.

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