Sunday, March 28, 2004

You must be thinking..what the hell is the topic about? Anyway, my sister brought back a magazine from China and I was reading this article about people keeping online diary, and this word "博客" was a recurring phrase in it. It took me a while before I realised that it's a direct translation from 'blog'! Duh..think the mainlanders have the habit of forming new words from English, and it's like a trend or something. Just like a year ago during SARs, we used to term it "非典型肺炎" in Singapore newspaper before the disease spreaded around China and the term “沙斯”was used instead. In this case, I guess it's a good thing as even the indians knew what we was talking about when we kept saying “沙斯”“沙斯".

It's a calling
I went for a preparatory course the first two days of work and the lecturer was a experienced teacher and a retired principal. I must say that he's quite engaging and gave good pointers. At one of the session, he actually mentioned that it's a calling from God that we should become teachers. sacred, it's a calling. I hope that God's next calling for me is to become a tai tai, a millionaire or something.

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