Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Mum just told me about the death of the Iran twins who had their brains separated over the past few days. I wasn't really following the news until they died today and went to read about the whole process on Straits Times. Can't imagine how it'll feel if I'm stuck with someone else at my head for the past 22 years, then how do I decide where to go? Hmm..wondering how the Siamese twins Chang and Eng survived. They even had their own family, it's rather odd. I'm was beginning to feel really lucky about myself when I remembered that I have some birth defects also (but still feel lucky though!), I used to have a slightly less than perfect heart but fortunately it's still working well. The unilateral dimple is an inheritance from Mum and her ancestors, I think that's a really lucky birth disorder =), even though I've got quite tired of people asking me to dig another hole on my right cheek as well.

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