Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Hey... I'm using the blogger free photohosting right now and it solved all my problems of photos MIA-ing. Erm, a certain friend of mine (let's not mention names! but just call her DP..=P) had problems a few days back using the Hello-picasa thing that's linked to blogger, so I didn't thought of using it. BUT, it's really soooooo much more convenient as all the photos will be sized properly, and uploaded directly to my blog now, so no more meddling with HTML anymore! =) I'm a genius..haha.. or maybe half a genius, hopefully now I don't sound so much like an idiot since my photos are finally showing. Can scroll down and re-read my blog, will ya? Hahaha, and now I know why Xiaxue can upload so many photos onto her blog, more photologs for me too! Will be back..=)

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