Monday, February 16, 2004

Yo..managed to change my blog layout last Friday before I went to meet the girls. Yeah..I love it so much! It's not that the previous template is ugly, but it's just a refreshing change after a year or so of staring at the same thing.

I spent the whole night and day looking for a templete that doesn't have too many scroll bars and the html is easy enough for me to understand and edit. It gets irritating reading blogs that have to keep scrolling down after a few lines right? I prefer my blog to be as long as a football fied..simple yet a different kind of 'feeling' from the previous times. Ta-da!! I really think that I'm a genius! =) Hee hee.. dunno if all my avid fans have gotten used to the new 'look' or not. Hmm..think I'll be back to change the midi once in a while and the layout again when I'm sick of it. Yeah..

Yup.. think I've gotten out of the blog dry-spell but realise that there's not so much updates on others blogs for me to entertain myself. Sometimes I just click on strangers' blogs to take a look. The new link Xiaxue has a award winning blog (lots of blog fans too)..quite entertaining, although she's really bitchy and 'ah-lian'.

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