Saturday, February 28, 2004

Yo bloggie, this is my first office blog!! Hee hee..taking some time off on boring Saturday to come in for a blog, especially since my poor comp had died at home, so I can't come online for the next few days.. =(

Anyway, quite looking forward to this evening after work, going to East Coast later. But nah..I'm not going there to take a romantic walk down the beach, going for some club gathering at East Coast Seasports club. Doesn't sound like fun yah? Hahahaa.. Read Xien's blog and realised that she's hit by the virus just as badly as me. Poor girl.. guess its becos we are all using the same NEC laptop which is as old as my ah-mah. The good news is that Dad is sponsoring the cost of 'Da Xing' (in case you're not a avid reader of my blog, that's the name of my desktop-to-be) and I'm going to pay him back when I get my monthly pay. We'd figure it'll save more money than paying the instalments and the interest, not going to get lured by the hire purchase system! I'm dying without the luxury of going online at night although Mum's very happy about it, she said I'm finally sitting down with her to watch TV instead of staring at the comp the whole night. How fun is it to stare at the TV together, I wonder?

I had been super busy the past two days with the preparation of campcraft comp. I also wonder why I'm still doing it, don't ask me!! Was supposed to be damn tired but I just couldn't sleep at night, seemed to be hyperactive and only managed to get some sleep around 4am. Sheesh...haven't been sleeping well. I switched on the TV to watch 'Ah Xing' the poor Japanese girl on Channel U. It's a very, very, very, very old show which I'm quite sure I had been watching when I was only in Primary School, or even younger. But I can't seemed to remember the story.. Somehow they had managed to perserve the quality of the film quite well and kept me engrossed with her pathetic life. I mean, it wasn't meant to be sarcastic but she's really being abused fervently by her mother-in-law in the show. Shudder at the thought of having a mean mother-in-law in future, and my mum helpfully added that it was the reason why my parents moved out once they got married; she didn't want to jeopardise the good relationship with my late grandma. She said she told my grandma blatantly that they shouldn't live together, but I don't believe she ever did that.

Guess what? I even caught the re-run of the 10pm news after the show ended. The current issue is on the pathetic birth rate of Singapore. Yah, this time it's meant to sound sarcastic. =P I'm happy with all the incentives that the govt is coming up with, but think they should target to increase the paternity leave of the fathers too. The men should share the burden of changing nappies and everything.. If that's the case, I don't mind giving birth to more kids too. I mean, in future lah.. NOT now of course!

And guess what again? I woke up with a terrible flu this morning and it was already 9am (I'm supposed to be in office by 9am) Was really contemplating to take a MC but I figured it will be really troublesome for my fellow colleagues to stand-in for my classes.. how noble!! I hope I didn't catch bird flu by having MacNuggets last night. Although I was late, I still took time off to get bagel from Mac before I took the MRT to work. The bagel was nice, wanted to try it for a long time but I didn't wake up early enough for the breakfast time. I was really craving for it this morning and now it had settled down happily in my stomach. Was sneezing the whole morning.. terribe working day, but amazingly now that I had finished blogging, I feel so much more awake. Hahahhaa..back to my work now.

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