Sunday, February 22, 2004

Hey..I'm back. And changed the blog fonts to 2 pt bigger as Aileen commented twice that she have to use a magnifying glass (sheesh, for a moment kept thinking that it's called a microscope..Lolx) to read my blog. I didn't realise that the font is only 8pt.. and I can't imagine, think it will be very funny if someone holds up a magnifying lens in front of a comp screen. I went back to my blog and agreed that it's really quite small (though stylish) and decided to make it 10pt instead. If anyone still think it's too small..erm..sorry, think you'd better check your eyes. Hahahah.. Anyway, I value the comments of all my avid readers a lot and thus will keep improving my blog to ensure that it's of the best service to mankind. =)

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