Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Oh man..holy shit. One of the worst things that can happen in my life just happened. Xiaoxing is going bonkers again! Sigh.. it's old and senile. But I just can't live without the laptop, even though it's imbecile as it is now, not to mention that every month I'm paying my butt off for this semi-useless chunk.

It had been undergoing operation extensively for the past year or so, but still managed to keep itself alive. At least, it can show me this window where I can type and rant and vent my anger off; I think I'd better type my peace quickly before it shut down on me again. Arrghhhh.. Somehow, last night I clicked on a 'joke' link that a friend sent me over ICQ, and then all my programs keep shutting down now. Even after I restarted my comp thousands of time, it's still in a semi-conscious state. I wonder if this is the joke he meant.

Well, I'll have think about getting a new desktop at home, as this 3.5 years old laptop is as useless as it is.. And I'm going to monopolise the new desktop as I'm going to pay my butt off for it as well. Can you imagine a worse scenerio? I'm paying off the loans for a useless piece of metal and paying installments for another piece of metal that's going to be useless again in a few years.. and all these undergoing at the same time. It's no wonder the last week of every month before my payday I'm going hungry. Which is now.

Did I mention that I'm going to be a Chinese teacher? I've realised it's kind of weird.. have you even seen a Chinese teacher who curse and swear in Hokkien vulgarities. Well, I'll expect no, and I think that means that I can't curse no matter what, even if the 'suay-ess' thing in the world happen to me. Luckily for me.. I don't have the habit for cursing in vulgarities and I'll stare at people who does, especially if they're my friends, even though it doesn't offend me. Maybe that's precisely why I'm a Chinese teacher, mahahhahaha.. and I know I just cursed at the start of this blog. That's because I'm not a teacher yet till I sign the bond tmr.. muahahahhaa.. &^^%%*!! I better curse all my worth for the rest of my life today. I just had a thought, maybe I'll need to look left and right and make sure there's no students around before I jay walk next time. Holy shit!

Ahh..now I feel better. =) Will be back to inform you when I've gotten a new desktop..I'll call it 'Da xing'. But not so soon, as I'm still broke. Boo hoo..

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