Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Hey, I'm back! I have been thinking about changing the layout of the blog but sheesh... I totally suck in programming although I'm a web fanatic, so I'm kinda of lazy to figure out all the tags to produce the look that I want. Hmm..wouldn't it be nice if the blog can produce Jay's music and songs when I arrive at the blog? *big grinz* I get so jealous when I see better, wonderful blogs of other cool individuals.

Okay, let's talk about my life. Oh yeah..there's a big great news that I had been wanting to tell you about, I'm FINALLY going to NIE! Hee hee..I'm so so so excited when I received the letter on a boring Saturday night a week ago and my whole family was feeling excited too. It a greatest dream coming true..even better than making it for 4 star! I immediately msg Hock Sui and my Mum to tell them the news. The first thing I wanted to do is to apply to stay in hall when I'm at NTU, that'll be so fun! I spent a few days convincing Mum and she finally agreed.. =) I promised not to burn the microwave this time round. Next, I even started dreaming of buying a new laptop, a car etc..hahahha..

Remembered what Aileen told me the other time, so didn't tell anyone when I went for the interview. Hmm..seems to be true, there's a higher chance if I keep the whole affair to myself. Mum was so happy that I got the interview that she informed my father, my sister and even told Hock Sui over the phone. Oh man, I was quite angry with her. I went for the interview and it's exactly a year since I went for the first one. It's a panel of four again (with different pple) and the same questions were asked, but this time now at least I didn't come back with a sucky feeling, though I've decided I wouldn't want to go back for the 3rd time. Just imagine, I would have given up all my dreams if I didn't make it again. Oh yeah. I've grown so used to surfing the job websites over the past few months that now it seemed so strange I don't have to do it anymore. I don't even need to update my resume, at least for the next few years. And I got a feeling that I'd stick to teaching.

Oh yeah, now that my dream of becoming a teacher had come true, my next greatest dream is to be a pilot's wife. Hahhahaa..

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