Monday, February 23, 2004

Yep, in case you were wondering why I was dropping a blog at 5pm on a Sunday afternoon (referring to my previous blog).. I actually stayed at home for the whole boring o-Sunday. Yeah.. and if you scroll down my football-field long bloggie, you'll realised that I was never bored enough to come in and blog on a Sunday afternoon. Well, you can click on all my achives to prove me wrong as I was too lazy to do it. But that's not the point. Oh yeah..the point is I can't believe how time had passed so slowly the whole day. Finally now it's past 12am, and I'm back again. I didn't want to appear so extremely bored to come in and drop another blog on a Sunday evening. Again. Thus waited till now. Heheh.. to tell the truth, it wasn't that bad lah.. I woke up past noon anyway and realised that I'm home alone. That's a really good day for me to just slack and slack and slack. Spent the day quite peacefully and relatively happily, though my boy boy is not free to play with me today. Okay..that bring us to the next topic I want to talk about.

Yeah, ever since he joined SIA he had been busy, but recently it's becoming to be just another tough patch for him and he seemed super stressed that he can't spend more time with me, but actually I'm even more upset than him over it and that caused him to be even more upset because I'm upset. Confusing? Okay..whatever lah. Don't have to re-read the statement just to understand what I was talking about. The point is, it's not the best times of our lives now..and things just get quite upsetty sometimes. Oh yeah.. enough of our soapy sad love story. I've just wanted to blog about a nice movie we caught yesterday which made our date more cheery and happier than usual. It's Along Came Polly, once again we didn't intend to catch the show. And I had actually wanted to watch Love Actually. Wait..

You'll ask: This sounds familiar. Thought you mentioned in your December blogs that you've wanted to watch the show two times but failed?

Me: Yeah.. but it just happened that the RA version of the show came out recently. And since I've missed it the previous times, wanted to catch the movie this time.

You'll then ask: Then what happened?

Me: Oh..we went to Yishun 10 and realised that 'Love Actually' is only showing at Cineleisure. Sigh..not again!

Okay, that brings me to another point which I was just reminded of; when I mentioned to Hock Sui that I've wanted to watch "Love Actually". He asked me "Why the show? Haven't heard anything about it before." And I had been mentioning this show to him like thousands of times before. Yeah.. obviously you should take note of a movie-title if your gf really wants to watch it, right? I was hopping mad. But nmind, I shall endure and attribute all this to "over-stressed-SIA-future-pilot syndrome" instead of diagnosing it as a "inattentive-and-lousy-boyfriend" illness. But still. Anyway, I'm digressing again, opps.. was supposed to tell you about "Along Came Polly". I'm still wondering why Danping had caught "Irreversible" instead of this movie last week. Oh okay okay..shall not rub it in further. Lolx...=P

You should really watch it after a tiring day of work or after a super boring stressful week, or when you are going through a tough patch after a tiff with your gf/bf. Or you're just out on a group outing and couldn't decide on a movie, this will suit most people's tastes. It did work for us, as we happened to meet up after a long and tiring day of work and neither of us have the mood to tell crappy jokes or cheer each other up. So we just let Jennifer Aniston and Ben Stiller do the job for us. Hehe..I think the best part happened when the french naked guy in the show said "Life is like the hippo" (I totally agrees with him anyway). If you are wondering now .. "HUH?", or "Why Hippo?".. I shall not spoil the fun for you, go catch the movie yourself! Anyway, just a disclaimer here, it's just another romantic comedy with a super cliche plot in which the male lead managed to be with the female lead at the end of the show. So, no surprises. Don't blame me if you do not like crappy and meaningless shows. Just for laughs okay?

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