Tuesday, May 27, 2003

During today's dinner break, Mr Seong just walked into the room and gave us a impromptu talk about leadership, everyone was rather impressed by him (other than his thick-skinned comments and overwhelming egoist talks, he's really worse than Serene but none of us dared to rebuke him! =P). For a long time, I didn't feel as inspired as today. Had a long chat with him today as we were both quite free, and at times like this, really feel that it's worth the effort and appreciated. On a side note, we were talking about dropping notes of encouragement and he even told me that he wrote an anonymous note to someone on Valentine's day, think that must be a long time ago...heee hee..really funny, can't imagine! Some quotes that he had taught us..

-The real leader has no need to lead, she is content to point the way-
-You gain confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do.-
-It is not enough to have a dream, unless you are willing to pursue it.. Men who are resolved to find a way for themselves will always find opportunities; and if they don't find them, they will make them.-
-When our memories outweigh our dreams, we have grown old.-

Some thoughts
These are the few quotes that I had thought to be more meaningful to me, and my memories are really outweighing my dreams, an indication that I'm really growing older! =( Argh! Hmm..I'm feeling a wave of sadness tonight. At times like this, sigh..really don't know how to articulate it. It's a very uncomfortable feeling, but I know that I'll soon put everything behind me after a good night's rest. =) Perhaps life is really too fast for me to catch up, and I also hate the uncomfortable feeling of ambiguity in future. Sometimes, really wish that time will stop and I can keep living my life this way I want it. Maybe I'll feel better reading the book "Who moved my cheese?" as I really hate handling changes in life. Initially, thought that recently I'm not coming here to blog as I was really tired with IPC and such.. and my days are so occupied and tired that I don't even log on for too long at night. But just feel like typing out my thoughts tonight. This morning Aileen called me just to chit chat, and it suddenly occured to me that I still don't know when my exam results will be released. Was really surprised that she told me it's out on the 27th and that's tomorrow morning! I didn't even know that results are scheduled to be released these few days..really blur of me..hee hee.. Hmm, haven't drop any email to Wendy since she went back.. maybe will find some time to do it a few days later.

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