Monday, March 03, 2003

It's end of term break! It's end of term break!! sigh.. last term break for me too...=P

Just got back from the dive trip really late last night, only reached NUS around 11 plus and I'm feeling like I'm having a "hang-over" today, walking around campus in a really dazed mode. Slept throughout the 7 hours boat ride and also the 3 hours of bus journey, but still felt really drained by the time I reached home. Knocked out almost immediately after clearing my mails and sending out an update to the babes.. as I was supposed to have a presentation during lecture at 10am this morning, so woke up at 7am and reached school at 9am to meet up with my project mates. And for once, I can be in school early!! But just now during the lecture, there was a guest speaker so we ran out of time and our presentation was postponed to next week!! arggghh.. I wouldn't be in school as this is my only lesson, not to mention that it's a monday after term break and my dive trip and more imptly.. it's 030303!!! Haiz.... thinking back of going home to carry on sleeping now... *grinz*

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