Saturday, May 15, 2004

Heehee, anyway this week is like a holiday week for me, even though my students are slogging away like hell for their exams. For the first time, my desk is so empty and I'm spending my free periods making hot milo, kopi and even reading story books at my desk while I'm shaking my legs! Well well..I feel so much like singing on my way home everyday as my tuitions slots is also much fewer this week. I'm wondering what's killing me? My tuitioning or teaching or both? Lalallaa..let me enjoy the whole week and worry about next week's lesson only when it's here. Anyway, this is already the 8th week and 2 more weeks I'm outta here?

Doesn't it sound familiar? I realised that when I was part-timing the last term, I said the same thing while looking forward to come and do serious teaching in my current school. And now I CAN'T wait to get out of here, and move on to NIE.. life is like this huh?

Anyway, exams is over and next week is back to normal lessons again! Arrghh..but let me enjoy my weekend while it's here as my Saturday is OFF with a capital 'O' for a change! =)

Also, I've sort of 冤枉 blogger as I've finally found my long lost draft. *sheepish grin* After you log on the respective blog, there'll be a list of the posts you've made, with a preview window if you click on it. Then above, I realised that I'm only looking at all the published posts but there's a drop down list to change to viewing of drafts. Thus yo and behold! My draft is back, and I've cut and pasted it above.. Hee hee..

Okie dokie, I was going to tell you guys that I'm reading LOTR part II right now.. was going to blog about it but my inspirations disappeared after the previous draft disappeared and I got pretty frustrated (meaning I was still really pretty when I was frustrated, ha!). Anyway, let's not digress, I went to Danping's blog and she had updated her blog about my current readings, yeah! Great minds think alike man! Finishing the LOTR books is my new year resolution for this year (refer to my 29/12/2003 blog), and I can't believe that I've finished the first book within 2 weeks even though last year I took MONTHS to get past the few few chapters! And now I'm on my way to the second book.. Pippin and Merry had met up with the Ents, while Gandalf had miraculously appeared again after falling in the Moria mines in the first part. Woah..that's where I am.

Like what Danping mentioned, I suddenly saw light about many parts of LOTR after I read the books, think I didn't understand the flow of the story very well when I was watching the trilogy over the past few years. But still, was greatly 'WOW' by the effects and of course, Orlando Bloom! It's so much more pleasant to enjoy the books imagining him as Legolas.

Oh you know this?
Lord of the rings is often erroneously called a trilogy, but it's actually a SINGLE novel that's sometimes being published into 3 parts.

Yep, and I was really hunting all over Singapore to get the 3 parts individually.. didn't want to bring the bulky volume all over the place but that's the only version Popular is selling nowadays. And I finally found it at MPH.. thanks goodness.

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