Friday, April 04, 2003

hmm..something strange happened to my blog today, and the page is not loading up properly..

Anyway, it's finally Friday and I'm soooooooooo HAPPY that this hellish week is finally over...=P Had nice dinner with Giam and Wu last night after I've finally submitted my Lit paper yesterday. Was feeling real great that I don't have to go home and rush my work anymore, but yesterday was apprehensive about it as the extension Dr Yeo granted for me was on Wednesday and I've only managed to complete it on Wed night. But when I went to give her the paper after lecture, she only said with a smile "It's okay.." Phew! Had been imagining her interrogating me why I handed it up so late as the rest had already submitted it on Monday, and I've thought of slipping it into her pigeon hole instead of facing her personally. But I've decided that that'll be worse and I should do some atonement for my mistake instead, face up to it man!!~! Anyway, finally it's left with 3 projects and it's all group work now so it's not going to be as tough as what I've been through this week, been staring at the comp to generate strings of words for days, so I'm quite sick of it already.

Forgot to mention that last week, we celebrated Giam's birthday with the club during the BBQ. And Hock Sui and I presented her with a well-chosen gift- a new wallet, was quite glad that she really liked it and she's using it now.

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