Saturday, April 18, 2020

Getting the magic numbers and updates daily

We've been getting updates from MOH and auto messaging system since CNY period in late January. Usually the magic number is out around 8pm-9pm but there were some nights lately when it was really late. Many many weeks ago, we even had three days of zero cases. To put on record, today data came quite early at 3pm and it was the highest record thus far. Months ago, we freaked out when the numbers went 60, 70, 80... after CB started it started onto three digits and things escalated really fast from then. I'm glad we are on half lockdown now and everyone is masked up if they have to go out for the essentials.

[Sent by]

COVID-19: 18 Apr update

New cases: 942
- Imported: 0
- Cases in community: 22 (14 S’poreans/PRs, 6 work passes, 1 Dependant’s Pass, 1 Long-Term Visit Pass)
- Work Permit holders (residing outside dormitories): 27
- Work Permit holders (residing in dormitories): 893

Of new cases, 79% are linked to known clusters, the rest are pending contact tracing

Total cases: 5992
- Hospitalised: 2563 (23 in ICU)
- In community facilities: 2678
- Fatalities: 11
- Total discharged: 740 (Discharged today: 38)

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