Friday, October 01, 2004

Hmm.. a bit don't understand why I'm sure a boring movie. It makes me sound like a saint, and a very boring one. But it's for sheer fun, anyway.

Got the above test from the blog of a JC teacher.. she writes quite well. Its quite interesting and I bet some of her students read her blog, I would love to see what my teachers say about me on their weblog. I've just linked up her page, and a couple of my friends' as well.. Didn't know so many of them blog! I'm having a problem logging up my blogs nowadays, it's getting difficult to keep republishing everything, maybe too many entries already. I must say that I hate those new features of blogspot sometimes, the post counter nver work properly, I'm perpetually stucked at 242 posts. Like, The Groundhog day? I must go and manually go and count my posts someday, when I'm really free..

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