Thursday, September 01, 2005

Thank you..

Presents I received yesterday.. Posted by Picasa

Yesterday was a very happening day. Though it's supposedly special and pleasant for all teachers, it was quite tiring too. I was running in and out of the office meeting students who wanted to pass things to me, giving out last minute instructions and homework for the holidays while trying to get the kids to settle down and listen to me. I think the kids are really much more excited than us teachers, and there were lots of leftover cakes in the pantry from the P6 parties. =)

At my EM3 class, I was ambushed by the 'foam' confetti spray cans.. three boys were armed with a spray can each, and I had to escape to the staff toilet. It looks like cake being thrown on me initially, but luckily it was quite easy to clean off once it's dried. Other than this surprise, I was also very surprised by the students. I complained a lot about them, as they were the ones who made me feel the most frustrated in school and received the most scoldings from me.. but each of them really spent time and effort to get something for me. And they were eagerly gathering around me, trying to get me to open their presents first. I guess it's not the number of presents but the kind of appreciation you can feel coming from them.

I hadn't been in school for long, only a term so far and that's no more than 10 weeks. I'm not expecting to get boxes and boxes of presents (you'll never know what to do with them!) like my other colleagues but its still nice to get students who run up shyly to you to wish you 'Happy Teachers' Day'. I think it's really the thoughts that count, isn't it?

Oh yah, to top off the parties and celebration, I had my first fire drill in school yesterday. Nobody that I knew was aware that there's going to be a fire drill, and I couldn't even recognise the alarm when I heard it. I didn't know where to bring the kids too, and it was a lucky thing we met the form teacher at the ground floor and she took over from there. I heard that some classes were cutting cake when the alarm went blaring.

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