Beware, this is going to be super-duper long. Happy? Actually supposed to be posted up last night, but the stupid blogger server.. haiz, cannot make it!
Been quite sometime since I really feel like blogging, and it’s been almost one whole month before I’m having this urge!! *gasp* But anyway, all this while, many of my blogger friends had been frantically updating, except for me. Look at the links on my blog growing!!
Well, you really can’t blame me, not that I’m attributing my laziness to the reports and the exams (same old excuse!), sometimes it’s just not the right mood. I really didn’t do much the past month, excepting for clocking the hours I spent in front of the computer, I can’t even remember when the last time I went to town was. And, my life practically went like this: lessons in NIE, back in hall, lessons in NIE, back in hall, sometimes spicing up life with tuitions and driving lessons. How wonderful yah? I haven’t even been seeing my family much. I hope they still remember me.
The good news is that this dry spell is almost over! I think many of you readers are expecting more from me after this, but then.. blogging after exams will be very much reduced as I’m going to get myself whipped away to outer space half of the whole holidays. Yeah, the long deserved trips of mine!! I’m going to compensate by blogging a really long entry now, telling everyone about all my holiday plans. Wahahaahaha.. my friends from NTU/NUS are all going to be really jealous. Well well, I’ve already earned my degree.. so there! It’s a good reason for me to be having more fun while you guys are still struggling with your exams. =P
Next week, as what many of my close friends already knew, I’m flying to the land Down Under and going to be there for the whole week, till the long weekend is over. It’s been a trip that had been in plan, sigh.. I had been looking forward for it for a really long time, all thanks to the fact that we didn’t get a one week break this term. Surprisingly, I had been traveling overseas since I was 17, yet this is the first trip that I’m taking with my family members. It’s the first family tour for all of us, and a much laid back and relaxed one.
And of course, a very close friend of mine is currently stucked in Perth, so one of the objectives of going there is to pay him a visit as well. Time really flies (cliché, yah?); he left when I was still struggling with my Chinese Grammar module, and now the whole semester had already flown past, not without some stress and hard work. Woah.. it’s already been almost 5 months since we last seen each other, and there’s so much to catch up with. =) It’s funny that I only realized now, even though he was part of my life the past 2 years, the amount of space I had dedicated to him on my blog is actually very limited, maybe I’m not someone who really talk about my relationships in real life as well. Hmm.. I’m going to end here abruptly again. That’s all I was about to divulge.. haha.. =P
After the trip to Perth, the month of December is going to be very different for me as I’ll be in China (Yunnan) for 3 whole weeks doing YEP. It’s been in my agenda all the way since March till now. I’ve been really slack among the whole team of us, as I started teaching shortly after I joined them, and became really too busy for many many things. (Oh yah, have to mention thanks and thanks again to those who had bought t-shirts for my fund-raising!) It’s not the first time I’m going on a YEP project. The first one was exactly two years ago in Thailand, and I hope this is going to be a better trip! =) Will surely blog more about that when I’m back. It’s also the first time I’m missing Christmas celebration with my friends, as I will spending the day traveling on coach and train, in order to catch a plane back from Kumming on the 26th December. That is, if I’m coming back…hahaha…
Well well, it’s rather exciting, I’ll be overseas for 4 weeks in total!! But my pocket is going to be very empty as well, so don’t be too hopeful that I’ll bring back presents for everyone. Heehee.. For those who are working, too bad for you guys.. This is the only perk of being in education, I think. Teachers need to recharge themselves before facing the brats for one whole year again! This is probably my longest holiday before I’m out of job again. *wink* Well, all my hard-earned (think! listening to boring lectures and doing boring reports for months!) money for the past months are going to vanish faster than you can say 'Jay chou', but I think people should live to see the world, really. I think my mama going to be quite disgusted with me. Ha..
Oh yah, just realized that a lot of my classmates have blogs! Most of them blog in Chinese, hahaa.. probably inspired by a classmate of mine, who really has a good blog. =P Traffic in my blog is also getting higher after linking up with them, a delusion that I’m getting famous! Heehee, but I enjoy being deluded.
Okay, I’ve gotta end my blog here, I’m talking like I’ve finished all my exams. Just wanna update everyone before I leave, making sure that all of you will be jealous. =D
Some photos coming up next..