Thursday, June 17, 2004

Hey, seems that everyone else is also in a blogging dry spell? Hmm.. even Xiaxue hadn't been updating her blog. I'm bored.

Anyway, want to announce that I had finished a module at NIE just over the past 8 days!! Oh man, it's like a gifted programme where we are cramming a semester worth of work over the past few days. Time at NIE seems to be passing fast, so far I didn't even have the chance to start feeling much even though Hock Sui had flew off on Monday. Again. Yep, think I'm already quite used to it, or had been anticipating it for so many many months. 厉害吧? Moreover I was terribly sick over the past few days, the whole class know that I was really at a bad state as I had to drag myself back to class and was coughing so loudly during the lectures. It's quite a dread to miss lessons as the intensive course is rushing on like mad.

Heehee... I've made a good company of friends at NIE, so had been having fun there. I guess we are really comrades at dealing with the horrible kids out there in future, comrades at sharing the latest gossips about the lecturers and classmates, it's fun! I must be a freak as I actually enjoyed learning Chinese Grammar. Ever learnt nouns, verbs and adjectives during your grammar lessons? How about learning it in chinese as 名词,动词形容词.. and so on. There's already 11 main categories of those and even more sub categories. Opps..everyone is falling asleep! Okay, won't bore you with the details. =P

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