Sunday, October 15, 2006


There's all kind of phobia in this world, since human beings are naturally paranoid creatures.

A few days ago it was Friday the 13th, legendary a very unlucky day. I managed to survive through the day without much harm, other than screaming at kids for most part of the day (maybe they're the unlucky ones). And now introducing a new term that I've learnt from my sis's MSN nickname: triskaidekaphobia

Main Entry: triskaidekaphobia
Pronunciation: "tris-"kI-"de-k&-'fO-bE-&, "tris-k&-
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek treiskaideka thirteen (from treis three + kai and + deka ten) + New Latin phobia
: fear of the number 13

I really wonder what these people do on the 13th day of every month.. hide under the bed??

Do you know that some famous people like Napoleon and Franklin D. Roosevelt were triskaidekaphobic? Hmm..maybe it does pay to be superstitious, somehow you'll become successful and famous.

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