Friday, August 06, 2004

Yep, after the Harry Potter series, Da Vinci Code is the book that I'd surprised myself by finishing it at a most astonishing speed. I've solved the whole mystery in 4 nights, carrying the book with me on MRT, bus, to pedicure, and even while waiting for my lecturers to come in, not mentioning getting dark eye-rings staying up at night to read. I'm not very satisfied although most of the twists are very aptly and most amazingly explained, just feel that there's some lose ends somewhere, hee hee.. I'm also pondering about the fiction and facts presented in the story, which is which? If everything described and documented inside is true, then isn't it a very shocking news about Jesus being married and having kids?

Hmm, now no more books to read. This is also a good thing as I'm already finishing my 2nd week in school and the readings, assignments are simply piling up like nobody's business. But of course, in every way, its my business. Sigh.. back to tomorrow's lessons now. =(

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