Monday, January 19, 2004

Yo bloggie..yoyo, all my fans, I'm back. =)

Had successfully conquered the waves of Ramunia, and I'm still feeling that this year had so far been really good to me. Hee hee..still crossing fingers for the events to unfold later on.

Back to Ramunia, it was far beyond my expectations in the aspects of enjoyment and fun, although the majesty of the waves are only half of what I expected. I was real lucky, and that was why I was back here in one piece. Lucky enough to get the cert also, though I felt that I did perform quite badly at times. Haiz..not up to it.. was quite regretful and feeling low at times. Of course, was really touched by the encouragement of surprisers like Giam, Lua and ermm..maybe Zhihao too, of my comrades like Miss Wu and Miss Tok and lastly having Lance around to tell me 'Ganbatte' all the time was comforting too. And how can I forget? I have to attribute my appreciations to Ah teck-the-great who was reaaaaal encouraging even though I fared rather badly at times, and of my handsome 4 star assessor Raymond from OBS who was so impressed with me that he didn't have any comments to make. Heh.. hopefully they won't land here to read my blog man! Okay, enough of my 'thank you' speech.. hee hee. Although I was expecting myself to be really in the clouds if I've ever make it, the trip back was somehow as happy as it should be. Hmm.. maybe I was just too exhuasted by the whole thing. Drained. Nevertheless, this is an experience that I'll always keep in my memory lane, tucked away somewhere.

This year's CNY is much earlier than usual, and we are now already left with two days before it's new year's eve. Realised that most people around me didn't have time to shop for clothes, yet I was lucky enough to buy a piece or two of new clothes a few weeks ago when shopping with my old friends at Far East. Even at home, usually Mum will put up decorations and goodies a week before...but till now she still didn't have the time to do it. The festive mood is not here yet. Tomorrow I'm off and she's on leave too, will spend the day dolling up the house and do some spring cleaning in my room(which I had been thinking about since last year's CNY, gosh!)

So far, had really been enjoying my work, even feel like zooming back to it during one of the not-so-great times at Ramunia. Think I'm just happy doing something that I like, I'm very glad too. Was conducting GEMS enrichment programme at NYPS last week, and went to their new campus to teach the kids. Was quite sad to see the piece of land which used to be my favourite home and playground turned into fresh buildings that I was totally unfamiliar with. Had heard that old school was torn down long ago..but didn't see what it had become. I was walking in for work early Saturday morning from Coronation plaza.. the small path, the ferocious dogs, the assorted private detached houses were so familiar to me, but greeting me was a building that was not what it had been. Think it must have been 6, 7 years ago since I last walked down that road. Well, that's really long! Everything changes, people changes and I think I had also changed a lot since that 6, 7 years ago. That's life.. More or less, I'm still quite satisfied what I had become, my metamorphosis. =)

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